Glambition™ Radio just wrapped its 20th episode, and I’m so happy you’re all enjoying the show! There’s truly nothing like it. (See some of our great feedback below.)
And iTunes agrees, listing us in “What’s Hot” in their Business Category.
If you haven’t caught up with us yet, here’s a sneak peek at three of our most popular recent episodes that you can listen to or download right now for free:
Have you ever been criticized for your dreams? For your business ideas? For trying to be your best? In Episode 16, I get personal. I talk about “Tall Poppy Syndrome” and how to handle comments that come from people who are NOT looking out for you. Being true to yourself and letting your own light shine is your birthright, and it’s a requirement on your path to happiness and success.
I know a lot of you will really relate to my stories and advice on this.
What is a brand? A great logo? The look-and-feel of your website? Those things are important, but wait until you hear what branding expert Laura Ries says about it. Laura is a major player in the branding, positioning, and marketing world (Fortune 500 companies come to
her for advice!) and her tips are sure to inspire you. Laura hits on a lot of strategies that the average entrepreneur often doesn’t consider,
and in Episode 17, she lays it all out in simple terms.
Got a spiritual crisis? No problem. Baeth Davis has been there, done that… and shares her story in Episode 19. Baeth is the creator of which is devoted to helping people discover their life purpose. (She helped
me identify my life purpose, and we’ve been friends ever since.) If you’re looking for advice on purging your old beliefs, facing your fears, and living your purpose…
listening to this episode of Glambition Radio is a great place to start!
Don’t have time to listen now? No problem—just go and subscribe here to Glambition Radio so you get automatic new episodes downloaded each week when they are released.
Thanks for your support, and see you there.
Love and success,
P.S. We need reviews! Can you help? We’re receiving thousands of downloads a week, but it seems only a few take the time to leave a review, which really helps further our mission for women. If you enjoy Glambition Radio, please leave a review and a comment on iTunes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
P.P.S. Here are just a few of the great comments we are receiving about Glambition Radio: