Ali Brown pregnant? Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under Ali Brown pregnant?

Ali's twins have arrived!

This is a very special announcement from Team Ali on behalf of our CEO, entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown, and her fiancé Brett.
On Saturday, May 25, 2013, Ali gave birth to her twins: Maddison Channing (7 lbs 3 oz) and Jordan Alexander (7 lbs 13 oz). Mommy and babies are doing fine, and Daddy Brett is just thrilled, as are we!
Many of you have been following Ali’s journey as a mom-to-be since she announced her pregnancy earlier this year. In fact, Ali posted a heartfelt blog about her experience of receiving the big news here.

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“Yes, I’m expecting babies this summer!” :) by Ali Brown

If you watched my livecast this week, you know I made a big personal announcement during the first hour.
My fiancé Brett and I are not only pregnant, but we are expecting TWINS.
Yes, really.
While we weren’t “trying” this fall per se, we obviously weren’t trying not to. We were both open and talked about having a family, and we just had no idea it would happen so fast with my being 41. I kept reading things about how long you’d have to try at this age! While it was a huge surprise, and sooner than expected, we saw it as a clear sign of just how meant-to-be this all was.

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