business miracles Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under business miracles

Heather Dominick on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Heather Dominick, Founder of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur Movement — Glambition Radio Episode 117 with Ali Brown

About 20% of the population are born “highly sensitive”. Once Heather Dominick realized she was one of them, she also identified the way she was growing her business was completely unaligned with who she was. Because the vast majority of coaching and training programs were designed for the other 80%, and her work with those coaches drove her to overwhelm, exhaustion, and even health problems.

She also realized there were many women like her, who had incredible gifts to share as coaches, healers, and creative entrepreneurs who were seeking training that WAS aligned.

So Heather started the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur (HSE) movement.

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Client referral for you…

If I had a possible client referral for you today, would you go through these stages in your mind?

1. Excitement… which, after you set a time to talk, turns to…
2. Anxiety or even dread… regarding what to say on the phone!

If you’re like most coaches and consultants, you’ve probably been “winging” these types of calls for years. Some you ace, and others you hang up knowing you could have done better.

Perhaps you’ve tried scripts but they feel stilted and out of integrity.

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Do you believe in miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? I do.

And I’m writing to tell you about a free online event being hosted by one of my most treasured private clients… Heather Dominick.

Last year, she hosted a groundbreaking series of teachings called “A Course In Business Miracles: 21 Day Discovery Series“. It was all about shifting the behaviors that affect and influence the business choices we make, and I was a featured teacher.

The series was such a success, Heather is hosting it AGAIN starting next week, and I wanted to make sure you knew about it, because I know it will be just as powerful (if not more) than last year’s.

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Manage your "business miracles"… free webinar!

If you’re spiritual by nature and know in your heart that you are meant to contribute to the world in a significant way, then you’re going to love this.
I’m writing to tell you about a free webinar that’s being hosted by a dynamic client of mine whom I mentor personally.
Heather Dominick has tapped into something very significant for specific entrepreneurs. She has found that many coaches, healing practitioners, and creatives are what she calls, highly sensitive entrepreneurs™.

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