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Displaying 44 Posts categorized under Business Success

Kim Kiyosaki, Wealth-building Expert, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Her brand is Rich Woman, so how could I not have the incredible Kim Kiyosaki on Glambition Radio?

Kim says she knew early on in life that she wanted to be her own boss. Sitting in a cube working 9-to-5 was not her thing, and despite everyone’s advice to stay in that secure job (health insurance! free coffee and pens!), she took a risk, left corporate America, followed her entrepreneurial bliss, and became a very rich woman indeed… in more ways than one.

You’re likely familiar with her husband and business partner Robert Kiyosaki, who authored the groundbreaking Rich Dad, Poor Dad in 1997.

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Liz Lange, Fashion Designer, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

How do you go from NO business knowledge, no marketing experience, and an admitted knack for having proactive “poor judgment” to creating what became the #1 line in a fashion category within a few short years?

It was all part of Liz Lange’s plan. Well, her “non plan”. The “I never had a business plan” plan. And her story is LIVE on this week’s Glambition Radio.

And I have to tell you I LOVED hearing her talk about her lack of having everything thought out ahead of time… because this is what separates the Glambition Girls from the rest.

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“Safe is the New Risk”—Glambition Radio Episode #10 with Ali Brown


If you’ve listened to just a few of the interviews with amazing women we’ve had so far on Glambition Radio, I hope you’ve detected they have one powerful trait in common.

These gals took RISKS to get where they are.

They didn’t overthink things, or think “who am I to be doing this?” or fret and flop around worrying about how they would fit this in their life, how they’d do this along with motherhood, etc.

They got excited about their idea, did the research they needed, got the help they needed, and went for it.

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Congratulations to Our Glambition™ Radio iPad Mini Winner!

To celebrate my launch of Glambition™ Radio on iTunes this week (it’s currently one of the highest-ranking podcasts in the Business category!), I decided to giveaway an iPad Mini.

For a chance to win, I asked you to tell me ONE thing you’ve decided to do this year to help make you be more successful. The comments I received were off the charts!

Thank you to everyone for leaving such great responses. We had so many powerful comments from everyone that picking a winner was pretty difficult! So we narrowed down to the best, and then I had my team randomly draw a winner.

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Glambition™ Radio iPad Mini Giveaway!

I hope you have been enjoying listening to Glambition™ Radio on iTunes, my new weekly radio show for women that’s focused on the stories and advice from top women entrepreneurs and leaders.

I have something special for YOU… In celebration of the launch of Glambition Radio, I’m giving away a new iPad Mini! To have a chance to win, just leave a comment on this blog post and tell me ONE thing you have decided to do this year to help you be more successful!

Maybe it’s deciding to start your own business.

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Alexa von Tobel, Founder & CEO of LearnVest and author of Financially Fearless, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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[insert music notes here] “Business School Drop Out”…. (sung to the tune of “Beauty School Drop Out” from Grease)…
OK maybe that doesn’t work. But 30-year-old Alexa von Tobel has gone from leaving a promising career on Wall Street and Harvard Business School to create the best site for women* around finance. Actually, just the best site around finance, period.
(She says LearnVest is not just for women, but it IS resonating with women in droves. Why? Because it finally makes sense. And the majority of her marketing is very appealing to women.

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Kara Goldin, Conscious Capitalist, Founder & CEO of Hint Water, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

“Do you have a product or an idea that is going to solve a problem?” –Kara Goldin
I love Kara’s story because it captures the essence of what being an entrepreneur is all about: There was a product that she needed. It didn’t exist. She created it. Done.
This is why she’s truly a Glambition Girl… but I’ll get to that in a second.
In the 1990s, Kara was one of the first 100 employees at AOL, where she helped turn the company’s online shopping business into a billion-dollar entity. A busy mom with three kids at the time, she left AOL in 2001 to spend more time with her family.

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Pam Slim: How Defining Your “Body of Work” Will Change Your Life, this Week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown


“What are we creating that is both highly exciting for us and also making the world a better place?” asks Pam Slim.

And there you have it. My Glambition Radio interview with Pam Slim brought me to tears, as she is so profound. (And all this truth is wrapped up in this humble ball of love of a woman who is also a mixed-martial arts master. I mean really.)

Pam’s first book, Escape from Cubicle Nation, rocked the house, but her newest book really speaks to what’s going on in our careers and hearts right now.

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Tory Johnson, Good Morning America contributor and author of The Shift, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

If you watch Good Morning America, it’s likely you’ve seen Tory Johnson’s powerful segments that help women advance their careers and start small businesses. (She’s even spotlighted one of my coaching clients!)

Last year, everyone noticed how great Tory was looking, and it wasn’t hard to notice because she’s lost more than 70 pounds, after carrying extra weight for most of her life. The process was so transformational for her that she wrote a New York Times bestselling book about her journey called The Shift: How I Finally Lost Weight and Discovered a Happier Life.

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