These gals took RISKS to get where they are.
They didn’t overthink things, or think “who am I to be doing this?” or fret and flop around worrying about how they would fit this in their life, how they’d do this along with motherhood, etc.
They got excited about their idea, did the research they needed, got the help they needed, and went for it.
And on this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, I’m personally diving deep into this topic, which is one of my favorites.
Some of them, like Kara Goldin of Hint Water and Alli Webb of the Drybar, initially put their life savings into their idea. Others like Alexa von Tobel of LearnVest and Jessica Herrin of Stella & Dot went out and had the gumption to ask others to not only believe in their idea but give them the money to fund its growth.
Either way, there was risk involved. Yes, that R word…
You know the biggest difference between entrepreneurs and regular folks is really how we view RISK.
Risk is all relative. It’s really all about our perception.
If you think it’s risky to be an entrepreneur these days, consider how risky it is to stake your financial future on being a corporate employee. I’m sure we all know someone who’s been laid off or had a big pay cut. There is no job security. The idea of that is just complete B.S.
But there are a lot of people who still seem to think a job is the “safe” way to go.
A quick story that will give you a laugh… a few years ago, I was living in LA and doing the dating thing. I was mostly attracted to entrepreneurs or the free spirited types, but I’d occasionally give the corporate guys a shot.
I remember when I briefly dated a guy who was a top executive at a Fortune 500 company… it’s a brand you would know. And when I told my mom about this guy, she was very excited… NOT that I had potentially found a good mate, but that he had “a real job”!
Here I was, already having built a multimillion-dollar company, and she felt I would be “safer” with Mr. Executive.
I don’t know if it’s just that generation, or just some people. That, to them, is security.
I use that as an example because the people around you are probably thinking the same way. This is just how most of us grew up, viewing that company paycheck as safe and secure.
But look at all the people who bet all their financial future solely on real estate, or their investments in stocks and funds. There are some folks hurting badly right now, who lost most everything in the last few years, and I feel for them.
The best investment you can make right now is in you and your growth, both personally and as an entrepreneur.
Risk brings rewards, but it’s about taking smart risks.
On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, I share with you the difference in those, and give you a few key steps to take… and perceptions you have to shift… in order to EXPAND your comfort zone and make those LEAPS that can lead to the life you REALLY want.
You can listen to this episode of Glambition Radio by clicking the play button below. And if you want to hear my most recent episodes head over to iTunes to listen or subscribe for automatic updates.
Love and success,

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