Denise Brosseau Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 3 Posts categorized under Denise Brosseau

Get the BEST of Glambition 2015 right here!

My beloved Glambition® Radio is about to enter its third year as the TOP podcast for, by, and about women entrepreneurs. It’s my favorite passion project of all time. Not only for being able to have powerful conversations with amazing women leaders from around the world, but for being able to bring them to YOU.

Thank you for all your feedback and support for the show over the past year!

In case you missed them, here are our 6 most popular episodes of 2015. These women will change the way you do business and live your life.

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Denise Brosseau, author of “Ready to Be a Thought Leader?” on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

It seems everyone today likes to think of themselves as a thought leader. But what does that really mean? And is a thought leader the same as an expert? (Our guest says NO, and she’ll explain why.)

You’re about to meet the woman who has made it crystal clear for me. And she will for you! Denise Brosseau is author of Ready to Be a Thought Leader? And by the end of this interview on Glambition Radio, you’ll know if you are ready.

During the dot-com boom, this Silicon Valley gal went from being an almost completely unknown non-profit executive to being the “it” girl on the business speaking circuit.

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