Get the BEST of Glambition 2015 right here! - Glambition Radio

Get the BEST of Glambition 2015 right here!

My beloved Glambition® Radio is about to enter its third year as the TOP podcast for, by, and about women entrepreneurs. It’s my favorite passion project of all time. Not only for being able to have powerful conversations with amazing women leaders from around the world, but for being able to bring them to YOU.

Thank you for all your feedback and support for the show over the past year!

In case you missed them, here are our 6 most popular episodes of 2015. These women will change the way you do business and live your life. You are going to LOVE them! (One of these was my own show that was our most-downloaded one ever. Thank you. It seemed to strike a nerve. Read on below…)

You can listen to them here or download right now, for free. (Even better, subscribe to get automatic weekly new episodes on your smartphone.)

A bit about these episodes…

* Ali Brown – I gave you my “5 rules to BREAK” to fuel yourself and your business. Why? Because many of the “rules” we learned to “be successful”—growing up, in school, and even in corporate—were designed for us to be successful in *those* worlds. NOT the world we create for ourselves as entrepreneurs. In fact, some of those rules are the exact *opposite* of what you need to grow your business, and with it, your own power and purpose. You are going to LOVE this episode I did early this year. Enjoy, and let me know which rule to break was the most powerful one for you!

* Holly Dowling – My friend Holly Dowling is a global expert on strengths-based leadership, and her gift is to help people rediscover what really matters in their lives and embrace a better version of themselves. Holly went from being a cruise director to VP of an international brokerage firm, but it was when she had the courage to really be true to herself that she started to love her work and found fulfillment in serving others. She spoke this year at my Elevate Leadership Retreat and blew everyone away!

* Sheila “G” – From being laid off in her 40s to founding a $40 million brownie business? YES. Sheila G. took her treasured family recipe for fudge brownies door-to-door to start, and now her Brownie Brittle is a hit in grocery stores and on the Hollywood red carpet! Hear her fantastic kitchen-to-riches story. I loved that we got most every detail, from why she left her career in finance to her big break from Disney wanting her brownies (and her freaking out when she suddenly needed a commercial kitchen and bigger staff)!

* Kendall SummerHawk – This beloved client of mine is one of the few in her industry that I would truly call a Master Coach, and her teachings help women increase their self-worth as they increase their net worth. You’ll hear all about the risks and sacrifices Kendall made to find her calling and build her fulfilling career (even moving into a VAN for six months while she made a career change)! But it was all worth it. We also talk about everything from ex-husbands to listening toGod’s GPS for our souls. Truly extraordinary.

* Tara Mohr – A lot of us struggle with our inner critics—they keep us small, when what we want to live bigger, better lives. Tara Mohr author of the bestseller Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message has found a way to help women entrepreneurs quiet the negative voices, get real, and step into a new age of financial and personal power. (We both spoke on stage at Claudia Chan’s SHE Summit this year in NYC, and it was a pleasure to finally meet her!)

* Denise Brosseau – What DOES it really mean to be a “thought leader“? What makes it real, and what makes it B.S.? Denise Brosseau’s latest book addresses this topic, and I’ve never seen someone break this down into a formula the way she does. She says being a thought leader is NOT the same as being an expert, and she explains why. There’s also a basic formula to ensure you’re sharing and collaborating in the most effective ways possible. This was a no-nonsense and information-packed interview.

Go here to listen to these episodes of Glambition Radio now or download for later.

I guarantee it’s just what you need to get you excited for an inspired 2016.

Love and success,

Don’t take my word for it – here are just a few of the recent comments about the show:

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