facebook contest Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 3 Posts categorized under facebook contest

Meet my winners of my ‘Entrepreneur to Watch’ Contest!

Well, the votes are in! After a long deliberation with my team this morning, I’m ready to announce the winners of my “Entrepreneur to Watch” Facebook contest!

This was one of the hardest contests I’ve ever judged, so if you submitted your vote to help me in my decision, Thank You! Each finalist had such unique stories, so my team and I took those and other factors into consideration, including the number of votes to make a decision we felt comfortable with.

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for…

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Help me pick a winner for my "Entrepreneur to Watch" Contest…

After sorting through all of the entries that came in for my 2013 “Entrepreneur To Watch” contest, my team and I have selected our top 10 finalists. Starting TODAY, you can help decide who should win the title by submitting your vote!
(We received many applications from inspiring women business owners worldwide, who are thriving in their own way in their business and lives. If you were one of my applicants, thank you!)
Meet your 10 finalists now and vote for your favorite ASAP! (The last day to vote is Sunday, August 11!)

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Enter my annual “Entrepreneur to Watch” contest powered by Elevate!

It’s here! Once again, I’m raising the bar for women like YOU, who “play to win” in their businesses and lives every day—and it could mean HUGE exposure for you and your business…

Introducing my annual “Entrepreneur to Watch” Contest powered by Elevate!

Starting TODAY, you can submit your business to win the title of THE “Entrepreneur to Watch of 2013”. To get all the details on how to enter the contest, visit the Elevate Public Facebook page.

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