free training for women entrepreneurs Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under free training for women entrepreneurs

Money is the new ‘it’ topic for women (free training)

Thanks to sites like Daily Worth, women and money has become the new “it” topic for women to master. Suddenly, it’s cool to be talking about money, especially if you’re a woman entrepreneur and you love coaching or empowering others.

This topic is close to my heart, so I wanted you to know about my longtime client Kendall SummerHawk’s free training webinar “Money Breakthrough Coaching Secrets“, coming up next week.

Her money teachings are nothing short of incredibly powerful.

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Don’t miss my free call tomorrow night…

I was able to pre-record a special call for the final week of the 4th Annual Inspiring Women Summit. It’s called, “Woman of Worth: Business Brilliance for Making a Living Doing What You Love“ and it will air tomorrow, May 23 at 8pm ET.

Here’s why I’m doing this…

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