home based business Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 6 Posts categorized under home based business

“9 Clear Strategies to Making Better Decisions” by Ali Brown

How do you usually make a decision? Do you act impulsively, or overcomplicate?  Knowing our personal quirks and decision drivers can help control irrationality and impulsiveness, which can then lead to better decisions in tough situations.

Let’s take a look at nine strategies for making better decisions in crucial moments.

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"3 Steps to Getting the Right Things Done” by Ali Brown

As a home-based entrepreneur, help can come to you in many forms, from the kid’s morning carpool to a personal assistant who can help with errands and organizing. Most of us know we need the help, but we put off making the decision with all types of excuses, like “I can’t afford to hire someone!”or “I don’t need to have someone else do THAT. It’s so easy—I can handle it!”
Contrary to our limiting beliefs, HELP comes in all shapes and sizes. And, you don’t have to be an advanced business owner, or spend a ton of money to deserve an extra hand.

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Don't miss my "Solid Steps to Success" webinar…

This is a courtesy reminder about my free “Solid Steps to Success” webinar happening TODAY at 8pm ET. If you missed my post last week, here are the details…
If I could make you instantly feel relieved and energized about your business right now, would you let me? And can I do that for FREE? Yes?
Great! Years ago, when you wanted to start a business, things were pretty simple…

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Join me tonight at 8pm ET….

This is a final courtesy reminder about my free call happening TONIGHT: “The 5 Commitments: Proven Strategies for Women to Guarantee Your Financial Success This Year”.

Join me and Joy Chudacoff and learn from TWO self-made women who have built our businesses from scratch at home, in our own ways and honoring our personal values.

Here’s what you’ll learn during our time together:

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Will you join me this Thursday?

I’m thrilled that so many of you said “YES” to my upcoming free call, “The 5 Commitments: Proven Strategies for Women to Guarantee Your Financial Success This Year“.

This is my first live call of 2013, and I’m hosting it with my Elevate colleague Joy Chudacoff THIS Thursday, February 28. Please join us!

Here’s what you’ll learn during our time together:

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Women commit, but not this way…

I was thinking this past weekend…

It’s 2013, and while women are starting businesses at a faster rate than ever before (at an even faster rate than men are)… WHY is it that so many women still flounder when trying to grow their ventures?

Really, these are smart women who know that entrepreneurship is not only their BEST path, but also likely their ONLY solution to finally making the “real money” they need while building the life they want.

So where are they going wrong?

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