how to grow your business Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under how to grow your business

“Should You Really Share That Bold New Idea With Your Team… Yet?"

During a coaching session with a client the other day, it hit me that I was starting to see a pattern with several of these high-end entrepreneurs.

When we would talk, or especially when we’d meet together in person, they would leave with clarity about changes they needed to make in their business. What to let go of, what to start doing new, what would be their next BIG move.

They would leave in a state of immense joy and often a sense of relief. A ray of light would be shining down on their heads from above.

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New workshop with me this October…

After the success of my spring Repower Workshop, which was designed for women making or on track for 7-figures+ this year, I’ve received many inquiries on whether I’d be willing to create a similar leadership event for women of ALL levels of entrepreneurship.

It seems many of you—not just those of you at the highest levels—are ready for a new conversation.

And I’m ready to deliver.

Here in my gorgeous resort town of Scottsdale, Arizona, Tuesday & Wednesday, October 27 & 28.

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