jessica herrin Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under jessica herrin

Jessica Herrin of Stella & Dot on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Meet the *billion-dollar* founder & CEO who still admits there are some nights you have to get over being supermom and just feed your family the supermarket chicken. That was just one of the chuckles Jessica Herrin and I had on this fantastic, fresh conversation on Glambition Radio. (This is her second time on the show, too!)

If you don’t know this amazing woman who leads the jewelry direct sales phenomenon Stella & Dot, get ready to be very, very impressed. Her new book, “Find Your Extraordinary”, is out, and I have to say it’s an absolute must-read for women.

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Meet me, Chelsea Clinton, Deepak Chopra, and more…

Once in awhile comes an event you are just in awe of.

The SHE Summit is one of them.

And I’m hugely honored to be asked to speak there.

On October 6 & 7 I will be on stage in New York City with leaders such as Chelsea Clinton, Deepak Chopra, Sallie Krawcheck, Jessica Herrin, Shiza Shahid, and several other powerhouse women and men gathering in the name of advancing women around the world.

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“Safe is the New Risk”—Glambition Radio Episode #10 with Ali Brown


If you’ve listened to just a few of the interviews with amazing women we’ve had so far on Glambition Radio, I hope you’ve detected they have one powerful trait in common.

These gals took RISKS to get where they are.

They didn’t overthink things, or think “who am I to be doing this?” or fret and flop around worrying about how they would fit this in their life, how they’d do this along with motherhood, etc.

They got excited about their idea, did the research they needed, got the help they needed, and went for it.

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