national women's small business month Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 3 Posts categorized under national women’s small business month

Here's what I'm celebrating…

My own journey to personal and professional power has been anything but smooth. It wasn’t until I started to really trust myself that my businesses began to flourish.
October is National Women’s Small Business Month, and I want to share something special with you. This video is a very personal insight into a crucial part of my success—one that I don’t discuss too much! We filmed this last April, and it’s been one of my MOST watched and loved videos ever

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Good news…

I’m not writing about contagious diseases, war, or politics. If you want more B.S. you can surely find all you want on the news.

Take a deep breath, and be here, now.

I’m writing you about the incredible possibility and potential you have right now in YOUR life.

And it starts with your livelihood. The good news is there are more successful women role models out there than ever. Last year alone there were over 8.6 million women-owned businesses in the US, generating over $1.3 trillion in revenue.

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These women speak the truth…

If you watch TV news right now, you know it’s focusing on nothing but the bad news in our world. If you watch too much of it, you’d start to think that is all the truth. And your truth.

But truth is possibility. Truth is knowing you can change your life. Truth is all the good things going on in this world right now (which you won’t hear about on TV, if you haven’t figured that out).

That’s why it’s important to continually hear from and surround yourself people who are making change in their lives.

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