pam slim Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 5 Posts categorized under pam slim

An unusual request…

My friend Pam Slim just reached out with an unusual request that I wanted to share.

She’s an unabashedly brilliant small business champion, author of the bestselling books Escape from Cubicle Nation and Body of Work, and also an amazing woman with a huge heart. (She’s also appeared on my own Glambition Radio show.)

Pam has commissioned a professional survey of small business owners to help gain new insight into their specific challenges… and attitudes around them.

And when I learned about what she was doing, I wanted to help.

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Do you believe in miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? I do.

And I’m writing to tell you about a free online event being hosted by one of my most treasured private clients… Heather Dominick.

Last year, she hosted a groundbreaking series of teachings called “A Course In Business Miracles: 21 Day Discovery Series“. It was all about shifting the behaviors that affect and influence the business choices we make, and I was a featured teacher.

The series was such a success, Heather is hosting it AGAIN starting next week, and I wanted to make sure you knew about it, because I know it will be just as powerful (if not more) than last year’s.

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Pam Slim: How Defining Your “Body of Work” Will Change Your Life, this Week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown


“What are we creating that is both highly exciting for us and also making the world a better place?” asks Pam Slim.

And there you have it. My Glambition Radio interview with Pam Slim brought me to tears, as she is so profound. (And all this truth is wrapped up in this humble ball of love of a woman who is also a mixed-martial arts master. I mean really.)

Pam’s first book, Escape from Cubicle Nation, rocked the house, but her newest book really speaks to what’s going on in our careers and hearts right now.

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Do you stand out in your crowd?

These days, there’s no shortage of self-proclaimed experts out there—many of whom are truly qualified and gifted in their specialty.

So how can YOU stand out among this crowd?

Tonight, my friend Pam Slim— author of Escape from Cubicle Nation —will share her insights on establishing yourself as an expert in your field. I met Pam this past spring when we shared the stage at InfusionCon 2012, and was very impressed with her knowledge in this area!

So please join us TONIGHT for this special Success Club call….

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