shelley zalis Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under shelley zalis

'Nice girls', tight jeans, and creative secrets…

Time to catch up with these recent episodes of Glambition® Radio
Download some instant on-the-go advice, inspiration, and revelation for the week from some amazing women leaders.
I’m honored that #GlambitionRadio has now been recognized by both Inc. and Entrepreneur magazines as a must listen podcast for entrepreneurs!
Here are our latest episodes. Keep reading below for descriptions…

Listen to them here or download right now, for free.
A bit about these episodes…
Fran Hauser – After years in her high-level media career of being asked, ‘How can you be so NICE and still be so successful?’, Fran decided to write, The Myth of the Nice Girl.

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Shelley Zalis on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Shelley Zalis, Founder + CEO of The Female Quotient and The Girls’ Lounge — Glambition Radio Episode 141 with Ali Brown

In the middle of the World Economic Forum at Davos, you may come across an intimate oasis of women who are connecting, doing deals, having a great time, and enjoying a bit of respite from the huge majority of men wandering the town in gray suits. And you’ll see The Girls’ Lounge founder Shelley Zalis enjoying every minute of it.

She got the idea for the Girls’ Lounge in 2013 while walking the floor of the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas. Women were the vast minority there, and she saw them craving a “safe” space to relax from the overly male vibe.

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