The end of the ‘pitch fest’? - Glambition Radio

The end of the ‘pitch fest’?

We are getting more and more excited now that we’re less than 2 WEEKS away from my ICONIC 2021: Liberation event, and the momentum is building!

I’ve been hearing from our registrants how much the idea of a conference like this intrigued them.

Some of them were tired of those huge ‘rah rah’ events filled with beginners and B.S.

Or they’ve been burnt by ‘workshops’ they had invested to attend and learn, but then realized the event was just a giant pitch fest with no insightful content whatsoever. (Infuriating, especially when you’ve paid well to be there.)

Or you’ve grown tired of the same-old business building conversations, and while you are focused on growth, you also know this is about a much bigger game. (Especially after the emotional roller coasters of 2020 and 2021.)

If this appeals to you, I can’t emphasize enough that ICONIC is the room you have likely been looking for all along.

When I designed this workshop in 2017, I wanted to shake up the model that had pervaded the industry, which was essentially ‘get butts in seats and then sell them hard’.

Imagine investing to attend an event that was such high quality, and had such high-quality participants in the room, that you gained value solely from participating! (It’s sad, but this idea was quite revolutionary at the time.)

I’m delighted to share we now have less than 20 seats remaining. There’s a reason that women leaders from a variety of industries fly in from all over the country (and the world, when circumstances allow…) to attend this one-of-a-kind conference, happening this November 3+4 in Phoenix.

Again, here are just a handful of the many reasons why you should get ready to jump on this opportunity to secure one of our last seats at ICONIC 2021: Liberation:

1. The quality of the attendees at my events is known to be the best in the industry, BAR NONE. The revenues in the room are already well above $1M per participant (but you don’t need to be at that level to apply… details are on the sales page). My team can attest we have already turned away several entrepreneurs who don’t meet the prerequisites required for ICONIC, as it’s all about the quality versus quantity.

2. I’ll be leading a discussion you won’t find anywhere else… and one we can’t have anywhere else except in person, behind closed doors. And aren’t you craving that after a year of Zoom calls? Right now there are opportunities so immense(both business and personal) that they are hard to fathom by most ‘normal’ folks. (Good thing that’s not you.) And even if you’re not looking for big changes, I promise you ICONIC will be a fantastic ‘reset’ to power up for your next chapter.

3. You’ll be placing yourself in a conscious environment where your thinking and creativity will be disrupted automatically, stimulating exciting new ideas, solutions, and ways of thinking. Being in a safe space with diverse, intelligent leaders is an uncommon and powerful opportunity these days. And it’s even more important we make an effort to do this as women, as we have so much to offer this new world that is emerging.

There are many other reasons, but you can see those at the web page. So what are you waiting for? Apply to join us now.

There are over 60 other high-achieving women entrepreneurs ready to meet you!


Go here now to review the details, and I hope to see your application come through!

But DON’T delay… remember we have less than 20 seats left.


PS — If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to my team by simply replying to this email, or writing to
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