Want Hot Arms? Then Head to the Bathroom!
By JJ Virgin
Of course, the right exercise is crucial for shaping slim and sexy arms but it is only one part of my integrated program for creating the arms and body of your dreams. You must also take care of your arms so that they look moisturized, tan and glowing. I am sharing three of my top tips from Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy, available for preorder on Amazon.com, that you can put into action right away.
1. Exfoliate Your Guns. After working hard to get great arms, the last thing you’ll want is for them to look ashy, grey and lifeless. The key here is to exfoliate your arms in the same way you would your face. You can grab some of the granuals that you use on your mug or create an inexpensive scrub by combining Kosher salt (1/2 cup) with the juice of a fresh lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil. Gently scrub away all the dead skin cells, which get your blood flowing and allow moisture to penetrate better Remember to give your elbows and extra scrub to get rid of any tougher cells that are lingering. Rinse when you are done. You can also substitute sugar for salt if your skin is too sensitive.
2. Moisturize. After a long winter of being hidden under bulky sweaters, your arms need some extra hydration. Remember the secret to younger looking skin on any part of your body is moisture. Find a good body lotion that’s a bit thicker than what you use on your face. I love Bioelement’s Vitalization Rich Body Creme. Slather it on your arms twice a day. Do this just after you get out of the shower or the bath because product penetrates twice as much on moist skin.
3. Get the glow. Tan arms are gorgeous, but I don’t want you baking in the sun. A little daily sun is actually great to boost your Vitamin D levels naturally (20 minutes is ideal), but then you can fake tan the rest of the way by using LORAC’s TANtalizer Body Bronzing Lumininzer. This will give your arms a subtle, chic glow that’s not too much. Now, go show ’em off.
Celebrity nutrition, wellness expert & MPC Diamond Member, JJ Virgin’s “Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy, The 5-Step Plan to Sleek, Strong, and Sculpted Arms ” is available Spring 2010. Pre-order your copy now (it’s less than $10!) and receive JJ’s 10 Hottest Tips to Get Slim and Sexy Fast Audio (a $14.95 value) FREE at www.sixweekstosleevelessandsexy.com