What breaks my heart... - Glambition Radio

What breaks my heart…

If you’re like most entrepreneurs I meet, you had a dream to start your own business to honor who you are and what you want to create in this life (including a great income!). You’ve got the inspiration, and you’re putting in the perspirationbut where is it all going?

You see, if you’re just trying to get clients and customers here and there, and feel like you don’t have a focused system for making this happen, you could be in big trouble. Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing a woman give up on her entrepreneurial dream, simply because the money isn’t coming in.

Most small business owners are floundering because they simply haven’t put together their Profit Map™.

Well, mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 15, 2013. I’m giving you access to a FREE 4-hour workshop with myself and the coaches in my Elevate program and we’re going to show you how to make your Profit Map happen!

You’ll get a unique mix of live training, in-depth exercises, and Q&A that you can implement immediately in your business. I’m even unveiling some juicy video footage from my Thrive Live! training event—a closed-door workshop I hosted strictly for members of my online business training program Elevate.

Go here for all the details and easy sign up. I promise, you’re in for a real treat!

Love and success,

P.S. I invite you to join us on May 15 and set aside this day to work ON your business—not IN it. Take a step back and get strategic with me and my Elevate colleagues. Save your free spot here.

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