Here are just a few comments we’ve received via Facebook for the call…
“Ali, I just listened to your ‘Higher Power’ call by replay. It really spoke to me. It’s so what I needed right now! I applaud you for your bravery to share this. Thank you so much!”
–Connie Bennett, New York, N.Y.
“Thank you once again Ali for so beautifully articulating our divine process as women and entrepreneurs. I truly felt the connection during your call and it was as though you had been examining my life and then made a call about it. It is so empowering and incredible to be able to have a guide during this journey. Hugs to you!”
–Tanya Mundo, Washington D.C.
“Ali, really like your ‘Higher Power’ call tonight. I took notes of everything you said, and much of it was profound—and some of it I have been doing. I definitely feel I must get closer to my higher power for everything to work in my life. You have helped me understand how to better do that. Thank you for sharing your terrific story.”
–Helene Miller, Baltimore, Md.
On the call, I revealed details about my NEW “Divine Success” audio program—and many of you have been asking for more information so you can decide if this program is a good fit for you.
You see, over the years, I’ve paid close attention to the questions submitted by my community of over 50,000 women entrepreneurs. I’ve also analyzed my own experiences and those of my clients. And I’ve realized something…
Whenever you want to step into a greater version of you—be it starting a business, growing your enterprise, taking a better job, or any type of leap—it often comes with a newfound demand for increased courage and faith, and moving through some type of fear.
And this is the part where most people STOP. And BAM—their dream is never realized. Often it was right around the corner, too.
My students and I have learned to embrace these little tests, because these “breakdowns” always come before big breakthroughs.
Wouldn’t it be good to know exactly when you can expect these little explosions to happen, so you don’t give up? I’ve arrived at 7 DISTINCT PHASES one goes through when stepping into the next level of themselves—and this is what I share with you in my brand new audio program, “Divine Success: The 7 Phases to Realizing Your Dreams.“
In “Divine Success”, I reveal my complete personal and succinct steps you can use to tapinto your HIGHER POWER and UPLEVEL your business, income, and life. And, until TOMORROW, June 28, you not only get a copy of this audio program, but I’m also gifting you a FREE copy of one of my best-selling mindset programs, “The 7 Mindset & Manifesting Secrets of Multimillionaire Entrepreneurs” (a $497 value featuring over 10 HOURS of powerful audio!).
I know that many of you have been ready for a program like this for quite some time, and with this special bonus, there couldn’t be a better time to create a new, stronger relationship with YOUR higher power.
Learn all about “Divine Success” and your special bonus here.
Love and success,
P.S. Remember, “The 7 Mindset & Manifesting Secrets” bonus is ONLY available if you order “Divine Success” by midnight ET TOMORROW. Get the details here and claim your copies!