Your ONE best rule to ramp up your profits in 2020… - Glambition Radio

Your ONE best rule to ramp up your profits in 2020…

There is a powerful concept—yes, ONE single concept— that if you apply to your business, you can dramatically increase your income and profitability, reduce your workload, and power your next level of scale and impact.

And today on Glambition® Radio, I’m sharing exactly how to apply this principle as you go into the powerful year of 2020.

This concept is so simple, and has been around for so long, that many overlook it. Because it seems… obvious. But in the Wild West of today’s business world, it’s more relevant—and more effective—than ever before.

It’s called ‘The Pareto Principle’ — also known as ‘the 80/20 rule’. And I love how Pareto’s principle can be applied to not only most all the areas of your business, but also many areas of your life.

On #GlambitionRadio, I share 7 key areas I want you to look at for the coming year, to see how you can apply Pareto’s Principle to generate greater profits, reduce unnecessary complexity, and increase your joy in 2020.

I also share how I’ve applied the 80/20 rule to my business and life over the years, from products and clients to marketing and even my parenting.

Head to Apple Podcasts now to listen to this episode of Glambition Radio (or download it for later).

And I’d love to know what this episode sparks for you, and the areas YOU have identified in which you’ll be applying Pareto’s Principle in 2020. Come join in the conversation on Instagram and Facebook.


PS — I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on Apple Podcasts. Select ‘Listen in Apple Podcasts’, and then click the ‘Ratings and Reviews’ tab to share what you think. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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