Is there a voice inside your head guiding you wisely…or holding you back?
That’s a question I recently discussed with Blair Singer, internationally acclaimed speaker, Rich Dad Advisor, and best-selling author of “How to Win The War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less – and Have an Extraordinary Life!” His insightful solutions confirmed my feelings, so I’ve arranged for Blair to share them with you on this 1-hour teleseminar called “Getting Out of Your Own Way to Finally Reach the Success You Deserve.”
“Getting Out of Your Own Way to Finally Reach the Success You Deserve”
A Complimentary One-Time Teleseminar
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
8:00 pm Eastern
with Ali Brown and special guest Blair Singer
Head here for the details and to register for the call now.
If you find that you aren’t making the money you would like to, having the relationships you long for, or fulfilling the promises you make to yourself, you NEED to be on this call. I’ll be interviewing Blair to discover his “Little Voice Mastery” concepts, a uniquely powerful set of strategies to “get out of your own way” because you’re holding yourself back.
Most people aren’t even aware they have a “Little Voice,” or considered how listening to it (or maybe NOT listening to it) virtually rules their life! You’ll join the thousands of people who have changed their lives once they learned about “Little Voice” Mastery.
There’s no cost for this one-time call…all you have to do is go here to join us. We hope to see you there!
Love and success,