One thing I love to do at my events is pull in pop culture examples of interesting business and success principles.
For example, I have a love/hate thing with Kanye West.
[Fun fact: He and I shared a celebrity house-call doctor in Los Angeles for several years. If you search hard enough online, you can hear a recording from a few years ago of my doc calling in to request a 5150 hold on Kanye. I think it’s somewhere on TMZ. Classy website they are!]
I don’t really like Kanye’s music. I don’t agree with anything he typically says or does. He’s quite a pompous ass.
But I REALLY admire how excited and obsessed Yeezy gets with his ideas.
In interviews he shares his friends’ regret that he often gets so excited about new ideas, song lyrics, or concepts, that he calls them or sends them dozens of texts at odd times like 2am.
And I actually get that part…
When something new and creative emanates or “clicks” in your head, and that burst of pure joy explodes and you want to share it with someone… now! And it excites you so much it can keep you up at night.
(Brett has had to endure many of these moments of mine; thankfully not many at 2am. I used to do spontaneous middle-of-night voice recordings about ideas, but today I try to just peck out a version on my phone without waking him.)
Yeezy’s friends said he’s crazy.
They are right.
People who ‘receive’ immense ideas—incredibly powerful ‘downloads’—and the undeniable urge to act on them immediately are not… normal.
They are often seen as a wee bit crazy.
But if that’s crazy, then call me maybe.
The question is though: When is the last time YOU really felt like that?
If it’s time for that lovin’ feelin’ again… I have something guaranteed to work for you, if you qualify. And it’s happening November 5+6 here in Phoenix.
Have a look here.
And if you aren’t at the level yet to qualify, would you do me a favor and pass this on to an accomplished female business leader you know?
I’m looking for a few more amazing women leaders to round out our already powerful room of entrepreneurs averaging over $1.2 million in revenues each, including several in the 8-figure range.
An extraordinary event… for extraordinary women leaders.
PS — You’ve had enough how-to. It’s time for more ‘what if…?’