A New Workshop for April 2022... - Glambition Radio

A New Workshop for April 2022…

I’m about to sign off for the Christmas + New Year’s holidays and after a rollercoaster year in our world, I’m more excited than ever about 2022 and beyond.


It’s caused more of us to walk away from what in the past we ‘knew’ was true.

We are abandoning long-held benchmarks, paradigms, and institutions we were beholden to live by and run our businesses by.

As entrepreneurs, many of us (especially women) have been reinventing our categories — even entire industries — with brand new value systems that better represent what ‘success’ truly means for us.

The tried + true ‘formulas that were’ aren’t working anymore and… they have become incredibly boring and unfulfilling anyway.

Going into 2022, we are looking at problems + opportunities in completely new ways.

Creative ways.
Innovative ways.
Disruptive, audacious, juicy ways.

In this new world, your golden ticket, my friends, will be the power to flip on your creative thinking ‘at will’, to instantly see multiple perspectives and opportunities for ANY situation in your business (or life).

IF you remember how to think creatively.

I use the word “remember”, because creative thinking is something we’re born with, but we soon forget as we are immersed in schools and institutions that drive it out of us, then workplaces and entire industries that do the same. (More on this later!)

The biggest realization I have had over my 15+ years of coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs has been seeing brilliant women try to solve or evolve their business challenges with the same mindset that created them.

You can make moderate progress with the same thought processes, but not true breakthroughs.

And in 2022… we can’t risk not breaking through.

So get ready to join me at the Creative Strategy Workshop here in Phoenix, AZ, on April 6+7, 2022.

Update: While I usually run events designed specifically for women, this one will be open to the guys as well, as our combined energies are going to lead to the ultimate creativity in the room. 😀

We’ve set up a simple page here with more info where you can get on my priority notification list, so you’ll be first to know when seats open right after the new year. (We’ll only have about 50 seats available in the space I’ve secured.)

Even if you’re just curious, get on the priority list here. Then when full details are up, you can decide if it’s a fit for you in 2022!


Ali Brown Signature
Site Design & Development Alchemy + Aim