Ask Ali: “How can I set up a great website?” - Glambition Radio

Ask Ali: “How can I set up a great website?”

Question:Hi Ali, I love your work and what an inspiration you are. I am a teacher and need a source to create a great website. Whom do you recommend?”

—Michelle Johnson, TPAG, Covington, Georgia.

Ali’s Answer: “Michelle, thanks for writing! The good news is there are so many ways these days to create a website at low-cost or even DIY (do-it-yourself). In fact, it’s so easy to set up a WordPress website that it’s what my team used for my own site ( and we recommend you use it as well.

Here are the steps you want to take to get started:

1. Buy your own domain name (.com) and hosting at a site like

2. Go to to get started with their free templates and more. (Note: Do NOT use because then you technically don’t own your website. You want to get your own hosting but to use the templates.)

3. I highly recommend you take a “Website Creation Workshop” with my own Platinum member Christina Hills of By learning the simple steps required, you can at least get your site going, and if you then need help tweaking it, you can hire someone after setting up a basic webpage.

From there, or if you don’t want to mess with this yourself, the best way to find a good web designer is always by referral. Look at other sites you like, and ask the owners who they used. Also, social media is great for this—put out a tweet or post on Facebook and I bet you’ll have several recommendations!”

Love and success,




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