At the United Nations... What I learned... - Glambition Radio

At the United Nations… What I learned…

aliunThis week I had the honor of being an official entrepreneur delegate at the first ever Global Accelerator Event at the United Nations in NYC. I was one of 100 entrepreneurs from around the world brought together to work on specific world issues. (Here’s a pic of my seat–in that big room where much of the world agenda is set… what an incredible energy there.)

It was an amazing experience to say the least. What I enjoyed most is the entrepreneurs I met had all traveled on their own dime because they wanted to give back, to be a part of the solution; and not one person I met there had a “get” vibe… it was all about the “give”. But I know for a fact they’re making big profits too at the same time.

They have undoubtedly found their business bliss. But you can’t just focus on the bliss… you also have to focus on the PROFITS.

People say “Do what you love, and the money will follow”, but that is NOT the way. I say, “Do what you love, and follow the money.”

I’ve gotten so many questions and comments around this topic that I decided to host an all new, one-time LIVE web event coming up THIS TUESDAY, June 17. Go here now to see what I’ll be teaching

During this special, free 4-hour web event, you’ll discover:

* The 5 Keys to a Moneymaking Business You Love (And the strategies that will help you get started right away.)

* What Separates Prosperous Women from Those Who Struggle (It’s a simple principle, but you may not be aware of it… or its importance.)

Balancing Your Ambition with Surrender (You don’t have to “go hard or go home”. Time to tap into a higher power.)

* Your Top 3 Barriers to Being in Your Bliss (We often don’t even see these, but here’s how to easily remove them.)

* NEW Details on OPEN ENROLLMENT for my new Business Bliss Program (we’d love to have you!)

This show will be chock-full of my latest teachings on making money in your BLISS zoneI know you’ll learn something new, so I hope you will tune in on Tuesday.

See you there!

Love and success,

P.S. We will be LIVE from Phoenix, AZ in a TV studio I rented out for the occasion. This is going to be fun! Reserve your spot here now for this free event.

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