Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 12 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

Join the 300,000 who already know…

I’m writing today with a special invitation for you to participate in a hugely popular and powerful free LIVE training event that I stand behind 1000%.

(I know because I’ve participated myself!)

My good friend, women’s transformation leader Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c., will be hosting a LIVE training to help you UNLOCK what she calls your three power centers of Feminine Power.
Register here at no charge.

According to Claire, and based on her work with thousands of women across the globe, feminine power is different than masculine power, which is the power to create things that can be controlled.

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ONE spot left… is it yours?

A quick courtesy notice to share that ONE spot remains in next week’s one-time only Repower Workshop.

Is the universe holding it for YOU?


If you’ve reached multiple 6-figures or 7, and want continued growth without just doing more

If you’re done with “massive action” and ready for thoughtful reinvention

If you “get” launches and are ready to move on to bold leadership

Then THIS is the retreat for you.

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TODAY: Me, Arianna Huffington, Marianne Williamson, and… YOU

Just one more reminder…

I’m about to participate in one of the most EPIC online events for the advancement of women I’ve ever seen…

It starts TODAY, and YOU are invited!

Women on the Edge of Evolution is a powerful virtual conference with today’s leading female change-makers and influencers, and it’s just around the corner.

This event is being hosted by my good friend Claire Zammit, whose Feminine Power teachings are simply profound.

And in addition to Claire and myself, you’ll also hear from more than 20 other leading female thinkers, artists and change-agents, including Arianna Huffington, Marianne Williamson, lyanla Vanzant, Jean Houston, Sandra Yancey, Arielle Ford, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marci Shimoff, and Katherine Woodward Thomas.

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Our meeting on May 12 & 13…

I’m thrilled to share my intimate Repower Workshop is nearly full, and just a few seats remain.

Is one being held for YOU?


If you’re done focusing on launches and instead want to focus on LEADERSHIP

If you’ve mastered the marketing and are ready to look for more MEANING

If you’ve reached six-figures or seven, and want continued growth without just doing MORE

If you’re done with “massive action” and ready for thoughtful REINVENTION

Then THIS is the retreat for YOU.

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Time for a "sharp right turn"?

I’m so excited my Repower Workshop is filling up steadily, and with the RIGHT people for this intimate retreat!

We have women registered leading businesses and missions ranging from the high-six-figures into the multiple millions.

And here’s some exciting news: My good friend Kara Goldin, founder and CEO of HINT Water, will be joining us on Day 1 for an intimate discussion on her journey to success, and taking the occasional “sharp right turn”.

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Me, Arianna Huffington, Marianne Williamson, and… YOU

I’m about to participate in one of the most EPIC online events for the advancement of women I’ve ever seen…

And YOU are invited!

Women on the Edge of Evolution is a powerful virtual conference with today’s leading female change-makers and influencers, and it’s just around the corner.

This event is being hosted by my good friend Claire Zammit, whose Feminine Power teachings are simply profound.

And in addition to Claire and myself, you’ll also hear from more than 20 other leading female thinkers, artists and change-agents, including Arianna Huffington, Marianne Williamson, lyanla Vanzant, Jean Houston, Sandra Yancey, Arielle Ford, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marci Shimoff, and Katherine Woodward Thomas.

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Are you highly sensitive?

Are you a person who is very spiritual by nature, but you feel like you have to keep that part of you separate from your business success?

Well that’s most likely because you are what my client, Heather Dominick refers to as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur.

Not sure what that is? Watch Heather’s video to find out… and learn how you can use your HSE talents to support your business success.

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Time to re-work it?

“You have been thinking one way. Now you have to think a different way.”
~ Joseph Campbell

Once you make it into the multiple six-figures or seven, a shift happens.

You realize you “get” the model. You get the steps. You get the blueprint.

But you know there’s something more.

And it’s not just higher revenues.

You know there are ways to step into higher LEADERSHIP and be of higher service.

You also know there are OTHER women out there who want to grow and lead like you.

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