Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 19 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

Your free ticket to my live event in March 2013…

Many of you have been asking me when I plan to host my next live “in person” event, so mark your calendars. The time has come…

I’d like to invite you to become an Elevate member and join me for my ONE and ONLY live event in 2013. It’s called Thrive Live!, and it’s happening Tuesday & Wednesday, March 12-13, 2013, here in Los Angeles, Calif.

This is a 2-day workshop featuring hands-on, interactive training with me and my expert team of Elevate coaches. And it’s the ONLY live event I will be hosting in all of 2013.

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“Yes, I’m expecting babies this summer!” :) by Ali Brown

If you watched my livecast this week, you know I made a big personal announcement during the first hour.
My fiancé Brett and I are not only pregnant, but we are expecting TWINS.
Yes, really.
While we weren’t “trying” this fall per se, we obviously weren’t trying not to. We were both open and talked about having a family, and we just had no idea it would happen so fast with my being 41. I kept reading things about how long you’d have to try at this age! While it was a huge surprise, and sooner than expected, we saw it as a clear sign of just how meant-to-be this all was.

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"Your BEST Financial Move in 2013: Owning a Business" by Ali Brown

One fact for all of us who live in the U.S. is that no matter what tax bracket we’re in, our taxes are likely going up. For some of us more than others.
And man that gets some of us in a huff. I know when I got the news, I got all steamed up! And for a few minutes I started to fall into panic mode… you know, that feeling you get when you watch all the negative TV news. “Woe is me, there go the kids’ college funds, when is it going to end, the more I make the more they take, I wanted to hire more people and now I can’t, I’m moving to the Cayman Islands,” blah blah blah.

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Did you miss it? I have good news…

If you missed my Elevate Live! online event, which took place LIVE yesterday, I have some good news…

We heard from so many of you that this information was educational, enlightening, and a ton of fun. But we also heard from many of you that you weren’t able to access the live broadcast. We apologize for that.

As a courtesy, I am airing a REPLAY of the entire livecast TODAY only, starting at 5pm ET/2pm PT. Just go here and register now to request access.

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How to Be Media-Genic: Tell It to SELL It on TV and Radio!

Boosting your image, brand, and media presence is key in taking your business to the next level.

When you learn how to SELL yourself publicly, you can get your message out and attract new business.

Join me tonight, as I interview media trainer Deborah Genovesi. We’ll take you through the steps to ace media interviews, so you appear natural and at ease. You’ll also discover Deborah’s INSIDER TIPS for attracting media interest, getting quoted more often, and overcoming nervousness during live interviews.

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No Eeyores allowed! Join us LIVE Tuesday…

I have a friend who watches way too much TV news. He hems and haws about the upcoming fiscal cliff, how taxes are going up-up-up, and how the country’s going to hell in a hand-basket.

He has this attitude that oozes, “Why try doing anything to create change? We’re all screwed. If you make more money, it’s just going to disappear or be taken away. Etc.” My other friends and I call him “Eeyore”, after the gloomy donkey of the Winnie the Pooh books.

While I understand how he feels (and I have these moments too, especially with this year’s tax increases), it’s important to take a deep breath and put yourself back in the perspective of truth.

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"Four Secrets to a Top-Selling Info Product Topic" by Ali Brown

One of the most popular ways many of the entrepreneurs I coach choose to add a new income stream to their business is by creating an info product and selling it online. It’s true that ebooks, teleseminars, CDs, and videos are a great way to leverage your knowledge and skills. You do the work once, and you get paid again and again and again. But that’s only if you do it the RIGHT way.
Below are four of my best secrets to choosing an info product topic that will SELL.
SECRET #1: Pick a best-selling category.

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Why successful women are never alone…

This is a special invitation to join me LIVE online on Tuesday, January 15!

One of the ways many of us have created our dream lives is to start and grow our own businesses. Working from home or around the world, generating incomes with no limits, and designing our work around the lives we want (instead of vice versa)—these are all easily within our reach today, versus years ago.

So if it’s so within reach, then why do so many struggle? Because they try to go it alone. They’re grasping at their dreams in the dark, instead of having someone light the way and show them how to do it.

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Elevate Premier Member Spotlight: Kevin Harris from Baton Rouge, La.

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes. That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our Premier members during our member Monthly Access Calls.

Elevate Coaches James Roche, Joy Chudacoff, and I select and interview one Elevate Premier member who is making great strides with the program.

Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress.

Today, you’ll meet Elevate Premier member Kevin Harris, owner of Kevin Harris Architect, LLC (

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“Commit to Imperfect Action! Here’s Why…” By Ali Brown

It’s a new year, ripe with possibilities. Resolutions are being set with the best of intentions. But how will you make 2013 the year you truly create change—the year you start your business, write your novel, run the half marathon, or whatever you dream of accomplishing? Here’s a tip you’re likely not seeing around on the Internet today: DITCH the resolutions and commit to IMPERFECT ACTION.

I’ve seen many aspiring entrepreneurs get stuck year after year in building and growing their businesses. They get caught up on their mission statement, their marketing, their website, and what happens is it paralyzes them.

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