Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 24 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

Act like a lady, work like a man?

Decades ago, when women entered the workforce in droves, we fit into a world that already existed.

Business was indeed, a man’s world.

(Watch just one episode of Mad Men, and you get it. I love the fashions, but ugh!)

In the ‘50s and ‘60s, we worked for men.

In the ‘70s, we began to step up and claim some of their territory. (Remember the suit and floppy tie look?)

In fact, women started leaving the home in droves to enter the corporate world.

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“Elevate Premier Member Spotlight: Christy Davies from Buhl, Idaho"

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes.
That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our premier members during our member Monthly Access Calls.
Elevate Coaches James Roche, Joy Chudacoff, and I select and interview one Elevate Premier member who is making great strides with the program.
Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress.
Today, you’ll meet Elevate Premier member Cristy Davies from Buhl, Idaho, who represents AR Consulting, LLC, a company that helps businesses and individuals collect any money owed to them. 

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“They’re Saying WHAT About You Online? Here’s How to Know” by Ali Brown

As you grow your online presence, it’s inevitable that along with all the clients, customers, followers, and fans who support your success and sing your praises from the rooftops… there are also a few people who, well, think you suck.

Or maybe not that bad, but they just want to complain about you. Or say something mean. Or be weird. And they will write about how they feel somewhere online.

For ladies like you and me, who grew up with “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”, it’s first of all shocking and saddening when you learn people do this in the first place.

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Meet the winners of my “Entrepreneurs Who Thrive” Contest!

Well, the votes are in! After a long deliberation with my team this morning, I’m ready to announce the winners of my “Entrepreneurs Who Thrive” Facebook contest!

This was one of the hardest contests I’ve ever judged, so if you submitted your vote to help me in my decision, Thank You! Each finalist had such unique stories, so my team and I took those and other factors into consideration, including the number of votes, to make a decision we felt comfortable with. (In fact, we had such a hard time deciding among applicants, that I decided to award TWO Silver prizes.)

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for…

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"WHY do women do this?"

A recent report from American Express OPEN confirmed what I am seeing everyday in my clients.
More women are starting businesses than ever before. In fact, in the last 15 years, the number of women-owned businesses in the U.S. has increased by 54%.
BUT…here’s where it gets a bit disheartening.

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HOT: Help me pick a winner for my “Entrepreneurs Who Thrive” Contest!

Voting is ON for my “Entrepreneurs Who Thrive” contest, and I need YOUR help…

We received HUNDREDS of applications from women business owners across the world, who are thriving in their own way in their business and lives every day. If you were one of my applicants, thank you!

It was a hard process, but my team and I narrowed it down, and we’ve selected 10 finalists.

Meet them now, and vote for your favorite ASAP! (The last day to vote is TUESDAY, August 28!)

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"Do this today or tomorrow if you can…"

One of the projects I’m working on right now is my brand new “Entrepreneurs Who Thrive” Contest. I wanted to make sure YOU knew about it so you can enter if you qualify.
I’m searching for and acknowledging you ladies out there who are using your businesses to THRIVE.
After announcing the contest on Facebook last week, I’m thrilled to see so many of you ready to be named the “Thriving Woman Entrepreneur of 2012”!
You can enter and get more details at my Facebook Page here.

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“Should You Start an Affiliate Program?” by Ali Brown

Last week, I shared some affiliate basics for those of you who have wondered what affiliate marketing is, and why it’s such a popular income stream.

This week, I’m taking the topic a step further for those of you who are thinking about starting an affiliate program for your own business. It’s a quite simple concept.

First, know that affiliate programs really go back to business owners wanting to say “thank you” to people who send them referrals. Think of some of your loyal customers who consistently refer new clients to you.

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Introducing… my “Entrepreneurs Who Thrive Contest”!

The 2012 London Olympics boasted the most female competitors in history, with WOMEN walking away with more gold medals than men. Go ladies!

I was so inspired by this fact that I’ve decided to raise the bar for women like YOU, who “play to win” in their businesses and lives every day—and it could mean HUGE exposure for you and your business.

Introducing my first EVER “Entrepreneurs Who Thrive” Contest!

Starting TODAY, you can submit your business to win the title of THE “Thriving Female Entrepreneur of 2012”.

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