Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 29 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

Do You Love Chanel, Too?

Growing up, it was always a dream of mine to own a classic Chanel bag. So I was excited to be asked by Style Republic magazine to comment on a timeless accessory for women—the Chanel flap bag (pictured here).

I’m quoted as one of the online mag’s “favorite industry insiders” in the article titled “Who Loves the Classic Chanel Flap Bag?”.

I love looking and feeling good, while I’m doing good—and that includes fashion! Clothes may not make the woman, but what you wear certainly makes an impression.

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“Stay Grounded and Connected with a Success Journal” by Ali Brown

It’s said our purpose here on earth is to create, and I see achievement as simply stepping into our best creations. Whether it be making a million dollars, or making our most delicious batch of cupcakes ever, achievement inspires. It encourages us to keep bettering our best and also excites others to reach for the stars as well.

When you have conquered a goal or challenge that once seemed impossible, you feel on top of the world, and with that comes an enormous sense of pride and satisfaction. But that’s not all.

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“Stay Grounded and Connected with a Success Journal” by Ali Brown

It’s said our purpose here on earth is to create, and I see achievement as simply stepping into our best creations. Whether it be making a million dollars, or making our most delicious batch of cupcakes ever, achievement inspires. It encourages us to keep bettering our best and also excites others to reach for the stars as well.

When you have conquered a goal or challenge that once seemed impossible, you feel on top of the world, and with that comes an enormous sense of pride and satisfaction. But that’s not all.

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"Ask Ali: Dear Ali, how do I join YOUR affiliate program?"

Question: “Ali, I do a monthly newsletter to several hundred real estate agents, do you have any type of affiliate programs where I could market your products? Thanks… your stuff.”
— Ben Benita, CB Real Estate Ventures, Va.
Ali’s Answer: “Well Ben I have to share this is one of my favorite questions ever! 😉 Kidding aside, my answer is YES. I have an affiliate program. Ever since I first started publishing business-building courses and programs, we’ve received questions from clients and customers like you who would like to recommend them to others.

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“Should Work-from-Home Moms Get Help?" By Ali Brown

Recently on my Facebook page, a heated discussion came up among work-from-home moms on whether or not childcare was a wise investment. I wasn’t surprised to see a wide range of opinions on this topic.
On one side, there’s the “Stop the Latch-Key Kid Camp” of working moms, whose feelings on the issue can best be summed up by Chrissy, who posted this comment on my Facebook page:
“I don’t think $80,000 in day care is an investment in anything but a life void of children, and of their mom being there for them… and to be honest, kids don’t want a day care provider… they want their mother.”
Another commentor, Jill wrote, “Money is not everything but it can tempt you to make poor choices like spending too much time building your biz instead of putting your priority first of being a wife… Could it be then we will not have the time and patience to raise our children or have enough energy at the end of our day to take care of our husbands?

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"Ask Ali: Help! I’m an introvert. How can I manage my energy while networking?"

Question: “Hi Ali, I’m an introvert and find it exhausting to be among other people for long. I’d like to start attending networking events, but need tips on managing energy around other people.”
— Priya Florence Shah, Naaree, Navi Mumbai, India
Ali’s Answer: “Hi Priya! I totally get where you are coming from. Most people would bet I am an extrovert, but I’m actually an introvert. I prefer to be alone a lot or only around close friends. When I am in crowds, it can only be for limited amounts of time.

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"Elevate Premier Member Spotlight: Annette Cain from Marina, Calif."

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes.
That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our premier members during our member Monthly Access Calls.
Elevate Head Coach James Roche and I select and interview one Elevate Premier member who is making great strides with the program.

Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress.
Today, you’ll meet Elevate Premier member Annette Cain, a personal trainer and founder of (soon to be

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“Women: The Richer Sex… (Or ARE We?)” by Ali Brown

This week’s Time magazine cover story, “The Richer Sex” by Liza Mundy, shares how women are overtaking men as America’s breadwinners.

I’m not surprised at this phenomenon, when you look at what’s been brewing for not only the last few years in an intense way, but even over the last several decades, as women have gained so much ground in the world of work and business.

I really want to put this into perspective, because most of us are not TRULY taking in what a HUGE shift this means for us—not only economically but socially.

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“Are You Green with Cyber ENVY?” by Ali Brown

This week in L.A., a local news channel did a story on “NoMoPhobia”—a new term to describe the panic some of us feel when we don’t have our cell phones on us. The idea made me chuckle, until I came to realize that it was likely very true. Our attachment to technology has become a very real phenomenon. And for online entrepreneurs, like you and I, it also brings about cyber envy.

How many of you can relate to these experiences?

1. You check your email in the morning and find a new email blast from Debbie Super Coach, a leader in your industry.

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"Is Your Business Less Than 3 Years Old? Then Don’t Miss My Free Call TOMORROW"

When I started my first business 12 years ago out of my tiny kitchen in NYC, all I had was an idea, an old computer, and a bit of gumption to actually try being a business owner.
I had no business experience, no money, no clue! Those first few years were rocky for sure. In fact, after today, coaching hundreds of business owners, many who are starting their first ventures, I know for sure…
Your first THREE years in business are typically your toughest by far.
In my experience, this is also when most of you want to GIVE UP.

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