Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 31 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

Ask Ali:"Is There a Nice Way to Tell People That I Need to Charge Them for My Time? "

Question: Now that I’m becoming more known, people are asking if they can schedule a call with me to learn how I’ve “done what I’ve done.” But that’s my value. Is there a nice way to say that?
—Angelique Rewers, Cockeysville, Md.

Ali’s Answer: “Ahh yes, the “Do you just have an hour or two, so I can pick your brain?” Welcome to success, Angelique. The good news is, you’ve got what others want. The bad news is, get ready for them all to want it for free.

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"Check Out My Marketing Tips in This Month's SUCCESS Magazine"

Have you seen the February 2012 issue of SUCCESS magazine? They interviewed me about online marketing for entrepreneurs. In the article, I reveal the top online marketing mistakes small biz owners should avoid. I also share what would be the three things I’d do to market my company, if I was only able to do three things a day. You can read the feature here.

SUCCESS magazine has been around for years. I remember picking up a copy when I was still in a job in my early 20s, and becoming greatly interested in hearing the advice from experts on how to make more of myself and this life.

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“The MOST Important Time of Day for Entrepreneurs” by Ali Brown

I was on the phone with a client yesterday, and she was in complete overwhelm with her business. I walked her through my priority process, which helped greatly, but she still needed some clarity around making a major decision about a next step.

I feel like I’m out of control and I don’t even have time to spend on making sure this is the right decision,” she said.

Do you want me to tell you what to do?” I asked.

Yes,” she said.

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"Meet the Nuttiest Woman I Know… Who Can Help YOU Setup an Easy WordPress Website!"

Have you heard of Christina Hills? She was one of my coaching members last year, and her business in helping people create fun and easy WordPress websites—WITHOUT needing a web designer—has taken off like gangbusters!
Her newest video is truly nutty! BUT I promise if you opt-in on this page you’ll get some great FREE instruction on how to set up a WordPress website, fast and easy from scratch.
You may also recognize Christina from my event SHINE, where she hosted a breakout session, and also as a guest on my LiveCast this past December where we highlighted her success story.

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“How to Make Your Appearance Count” by Ali Brown

Running a business in the new economy means that most of us spend a big chunk of our workdays behind a computer screen. And as many can attest, the longer we work from home, the fuzzier the idea of looking presentable gets. Our definition of making a good impression means we spell check our emails, rather than practice the perfect handshake. But, what happens when we land a big client meeting, or that long-awaited media interview? Below, a few tips on how to shift seamlessly between work-from-home solo-preneur to real-world, successful business owner. And don’t worry, you don’t have to compromise your authentic self to do it!

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"Ask Ali: Do I really have to narrow my target market?”

Question: Ali, I’m starting a new business, and I know when you are marketing you are supposed to narrow down your target market. But my service truly could be used by anyone, anywhere! Why do I have to limit myself?
–Susie Smith
Ali’s Answer: “Susie, thanks for such a short and sweet question that lends to a short and sweet answer. It may be true that anyone could use your service, and of course you would not turn away anyone who came to work with you or buy it.

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"Why Care About SOPA/PIPA?"

Have you tried visiting today? The site has shut down to join a massive 24 hour web blackout to protest two very controversial anti-piracy bills making their way through U.S. Congress: The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Here’s why we, as online entrepreneurs, should care about this current debate…
SOPA and PIPA are “sister bills” created with similar, and reasonable enough, intentions—they both make an attempt to protect copyright holders (i.e., television networks, music labels, film studios, lobbying organizations, etc.) and stop online piracy.

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“10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read”

During my Elevate launch, I gifted an iPad to one lucky business owner, along with my 10 ALL-TIME favorite books for entrepreneurs. Since then, I’ve received tons of requests asking for me to share this list. So, here it is! (Please note they are in no particular order.)

1. The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield

I love Jack, and this book is chock-full of simple, timeless principles that anyone can use to move forward in their business, career, and life.

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"Meet 'Our' New Rescued Dog, Abbie!"

This photo is of my sister Julie and our new adopted dog Abbie. I say “our” because once Julie told me about her situation, I HAD to help. Abbie had a pretty horrible life, but today is happy and healthy, living with my sister and her family in Connecticut.
Here is the story, according to Julie… Abbie first lived in a rural Tennessee trailer with people suspected of criminal activity, who were evicted and left her behind on the property. She scavenged for food, starving for weeks before another family moved into the trailer and found her living under it.

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“Who’s Talking About You Online?” by Ali Brown

As you grow your online presence, it’s inevitable that somewhere among the masses of fans who support your every success, there will be a few “Negative Nancies” waiting to criticize on your every move.

Though you can’t change the hurtful behaviors that others choose to indulge in, what you can do as a business owner is take appropriate steps to be aware of your online reputation. Below, a few suggestions…

Set Up Google Alerts

People use Google Alerts for many reasons: to keep up with a topic they’re interested in, follow a hot news story, monitor competitors, and of course keep track of their personal online reputation.

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