It was called Elevate LIVE!, and I hosted the 4-hour live event right from my living room in my L.A. beach home! My colleague James Roche flew in from Miami Beach to join me, and I have to say it was an amazing experience.
At first, I was concerned about going for 4 straight hours, but it FLEW by and I wished we’d scheduled an entire day! (Maybe next time ;)) We shared business growth strategies as well as answered questions from the hundreds of you in the live chat room.
One of my favorite topics to discuss—as usual—is the mindset it takes behind stepping into your best YOU. Making the decision to invest in yourself and say “I’m ready for better” is a big move for many. So kudos to those of you who said YES to joining my brand new online training program called Elevate! I haven’t shared this publicly yet, but this program debut was my BIGGEST online launch ever, and I’m so excited to work with the HUNDREDS of you who signed up!
It seems James and I have hit the nail on the head with this one. Finally you can be a part of a solid, step-by-step online training program that allows you to “look over our shoulders” all year long and receive piecemeal strategies that are easy to follow and grow your business—and income! ($$$)
We did SELL OUT ALL of our specially-priced Elevate Charter Memberships. But if you’d like to get on the waitlist for notification when general memberships open, please let me know via this page.
Have a GREAT holiday, and God bless!
Love and success,

P.S. If you have any questions about Elevate, or working with me or James personally next year, feel free to contact Team Ali at 888-484-5559 or Support@AliBrown.com.