If for some reason you couldn’t make it, I didn’t want you to miss the exciting information I revealed about my new two-day LIVE event, designed for those of you who are serious about growing your coaching business fast and furiously…
“Coaching Business Intensive”
LIVE with Ali Brown
July 21-22, 2010, Los Angeles, Calif.
Get all the details here now.============================================
For the last several years my students and colleagues have been asking… begging… me to share everything I know and have learned by developing my coaching programs to such a successful level.
The best part? There is an absolute formula to it. And now, it’s YOUR turn! For the first time EVER I’m about to peel back the curtain and reveal for YOU my secrets for designing, selling, and running outrageously profitable coaching programs.
I’ll be walking you through ALL my strategies, step by step, at my groundbreaking, first-and-only Coaching Business Intensive (CBI)…
Here’s just a sampling of session topics and what I’ll be covering in DETAIL at CBI…
* 7 Different Ways of Delivering Your Coaching at a High Ticket – From VIP one-on-one consults to high-end masterminds and retreats
* Marketing and Sales Secrets for Lucrative Coaching Programs – “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore”
* The Immense Mindset Shifts You MUST Make in Order to Charge More – (Buckle up, this may be a bumpy ride for some of you!)
* The Back-End Logistics of Running Powerful Coaching Programs – This session alone is worth bringing along your key employee or virtual assistant.
* Hard Answers to Hard Coaching Business Situations – Charging more effectuates more responsibility, but it’s worth it
* BONUS: You Get 20+ Forms, Checklists, Applications, and Flowcharts – The same ones my team and I use to sell and run all of our programs
And that’s just the start! Go here now to see the full curriculum.
Here’s the URGENT part… as you can likely guess, CBI is not an inexpensive training to attend. But I know many folks are credit-crunched right now.
So to make it easier for you to learn the business strategies you need to finally make your coaching business lucrative, I’m offering an extremely gentle payment plan, but only through next Tuesday, March 2.
So don’t delay, at least learn more to see if CBI is a good fit for you. Go here now to get the full scoop and jump on that payment plan if we’re a go.
Love and Success,

PS – CBI is perfect for coaches and consultants who want to learn new and more lucrative ways to package their services, and for business owners who have an area of expertise they believe others would pay them for coaching. This web page explains it all.