And I’m writing to tell you about a free online event being hosted by one of my most treasured private clients… Heather Dominick.
Last year, she hosted a groundbreaking series of teachings called “A Course In Business Miracles: 21 Day Discovery Series“. It was all about shifting the behaviors that affect and influence the business choices we make, and I was a featured teacher.
The series was such a success, Heather is hosting it AGAIN starting next week, and I wanted to make sure you knew about it, because I know it will be just as powerful (if not more) than last year’s.
And I’m particularly excited my friends Pam Slim and Marci Shimoff will be featured teachers as well!
Learn more and register for the free 21-Day Discovery Series on Business Miracles here.Heather’s unique program isn’t your typical online training event. Each day, you will receive a “21-Minute Daily Dose” of a business miracle… either in the form of a self-study exercise, audio training, or inspiring thought leader interview.
Why 21? It supposedly takes us 21 days to ingrain new habits into our lives!
Heather kicks it all off on next Wednesday, March 4.
So don’t delay—take a look here now, and I’ll see you there.
Love and success,
P.S. Heather is one of the most insightful and profound spiritual business teachers I’ve been able to witness. You’d be remiss not to take a look at this free series she’s hosting right now.