“Elevate Member Spotlight: Mimi Quick from Hacienda Heights, Calif.” - Glambition Radio

“Elevate Member Spotlight: Mimi Quick from Hacienda Heights, Calif.”

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes.

That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our members during our member Access Calls.

My Elevate coaches and I select and interview one Elevate member who is making great strides with the program.

Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress.

Today, you’ll meet Elevate Advanced member Mimi Quick, founder of Mimi Quick Enterprises. She was our spotlight during our May 2013 call, and she was interviewed by Elevate coaches Joy Chudacoff and Sue Painter.

Enjoy our quick interview with Mimi below, and be sure to take notes. There are several golden nuggets you can apply to YOUR business right away!

Joy: Hi, Mimi. You’ve had a lot of success in your business, and Sue and I would love to hear about what’s going on. Can you share with everyone exactly what it is you do for people?

Mimi: I work with gifted women entrepreneurs who struggle with sales and marketing and who would like to have more time, energy, and money in their life. What makes me different is that I help women shift quickly with my custom, step-by-step processes that I create. Because of this, my clients get really quick results. They receive clients, increase sales, and gain lots of joy and freedom.

Joy: That’s awesome. What are some of the actions in particular that you’ve put in place since joining Elevate that have helped you produce the biggest results?

Mimi: Just do what the Elevate action sheets say. Follow the online program. The coaches, you all are amazing! I have gotten so much just by listening in on the weekly Access Calls.

The biggest results that I’ve received came from just the support, knowing that I have that support here. Money-wise, I’ve built my business. I brought back a 4-week program that I had already created, but I didn’t have it available publicly. That was sparked by something. I believe it was in one of the Elevate trainings, where we were asked: “What are your people asking you for?”

At that time, I knew my clients wanted to increase the money that was coming in. I brought back my 4-week program, “Letting Go to Make Money Flow.” I’m telling you things opened up. My big issue was that I couldn’t understand what low hanging fruit was. That became very clear to me. Then it just moved from there.

Sue: I love that you took something that you already had in hand that you just weren’t really putting out there. You weren’t making it an investible opportunity for people, and so you put it out there—and immediately it became cash flow for you, and also helped you fill out the rest of your marketing funnel. That’s awesome! I love that!

Mimi: Yeah, it was awesome! The feeling was incredible—just to see how it naturally flowed. We all know the Elevate member forum is active. It’s beautiful. That’s one of the reasons why I’m here. I love to know that we have that support. I can jump in and ask a question or share something. That feels really good. Write whatever it is that you need on the forum, and I’m pretty sure someone will step up and say hello or support you.

Joy: I mean through your VIP clients and some of your intensives haven’t you done over $20,000 in new business?

Mimi: Yes, I have. A lot more than that, Joy. I’m with Elevate Advanced. I’m going to keep saying to keep moving forward. I feel really good being in this place, and I know there’s more growth for me. Obviously, that’s why I’m here. There are many more great things coming down, but I know that I can always reach out and ask questions.

Joy: Absolutely. Well, thank you so much.


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“Entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown teaches women around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “Top 10 Success Secrets for Entrepreneurial Women” at www.AliBrown.com

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