"Happy Friday!" - Glambition Radio

“Happy Friday!”

I was proud to be a sponsor of last week’s Step Up Inspiration Awards in Beverly Hills, where several amazing young women shared their stories of overcoming adversity to attend college and achieve success. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house during these incredible girls’ presentations! Afterward there was lots of mingling and a cocktail or two ; ) Here’s a pic of me with my team, a.k.a. the “glam squad” after the event.

It’s always great to get together with the team, and this event got us brainstorming about more ways to give back. How do you give back with your business? This week I posed the question on Facebook and got some great responses- I’d love for you to chime in if you haven’t already!

Speaking of Facebook, I’ve got an exciting complimentary call coming up with sought-after social media maven Amber Mac. On Wednesday, June 2, I’ll be interviewing Amber about how you can stand out and gain the most from your involvement with social media. Learn more and register for this complimentary call.

This week’s articles feature cash flow management strategies (we all need to be reminded of these from time to time) and how to banish the word “guilty” before pleasure…yes, I’m talking about enjoying your favorite indulgences, whether they be dark chocolate or deep tissue massages, guilt-free!

Have a great weekend and don’t forget to schedule some time to indulge yourself!

Love and Success,

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