"It's time to get Social Media really working for you!" - Glambition Radio

“It’s time to get Social Media really working for you!”

Are you ready to get down to business with Social Media?

Watching the growth of Social Media sites over the past few years has been mind-boggling. Everyone knows Social Media has massive potential… if only someone could show you how to make it pay off.

That’s why I’ve gone straight to one of the leaders in Social Media today to get you learning what works NOW with new-media strategies to attract new clients in your business. And you’ll want to join us on a complimentary teleseminar with Amber Mac who will let you in on some of her best social media secrets.


“Social Media Secrets: New Strategies and FREE Tools That Magnetize New Clients and Customers”

with Ali Brown and special guest Amber Mac

Wednesday June 2, 2010 at 8pm Eastern

Learn more and book your spot now.


Amber Mac is the leading voice of the social media generation, and one of the most in-demand new media strategists and speakers on the conference circuit today. A frequent host and guest on several tech TV programs, she’s author of the brand new book Power Friending: Demystifying Social Media to Grow Your Business.

On this special one-time no-cost call, Amber and I will be digging out the best strategies for YOU — the solopreneur or small business owner — on how to get the most results from the least amount of time using these tools.

During this call, Amber and I will be sharing:

* how to stand out among the 400 MILLION people on Facebook and the 600 tweets per second on Twitter – and gain the most results from your involvement

* the objective scoop on Tumblr, ScribbleLive, FourSquare, and more networks you may not have heard of (you don’t have to use them all, but there are a few that could be helping you)

* the biggest common mistake you should never make in social media (don’t risk alienating your best clients and customers!)

* why you shouldn’t be as concerned about social media R.O.I. (return on investment) as you should about your R.O.E. (you’ll learn what that is on the call)

* how to choose which social media tools are best for YOU and your business

* how to start tracking your results from social media so you know which networks are working best for you

* exciting new details about the upcoming telecourse series “Social Media Bootcamp: Step-by-Step Strategies to Using the Top 10 FREE Online Tools to Gain Clients and Customers FAST”

Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or just getting started, you won’t want to miss this eye-opening 75-minute conversation.

Go here to reserve your spot now on this complimentary call.

Love and success,

P.S. – With a “Social” call like this, of course you’re welcome to invite your friends and colleagues to join you. Just remember to reserve your spot HERE first.

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