The only thing we know for sure this year is… nothing is going back to ‘normal’ anytime soon. (Especially during an election year ;))
You’ve probably gotten through this all OK via hustling, pivoting, or changing lanes.
But now, as we enter the second half of summer, are you feeling it’s time for a strategic shift in your business or personal trajectory?
If so, here’s my advice…
Before you jump into another formulized, step-by-step ‘program’ right now, I recommend you invest a bit of time to truly identify how YOU should best shift or grow your business for the remainder of the year, and into 2021.
My clients will attest I am a true advisor and coach with 20+ years of leading-edge experience. I don’t just blindly plug my clients into existing popular models, but instead first fully consider all aspects of their situation before we agree on best next steps. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a lateral move to a new strategy. Other times—and more often—we have a lot more fun, breaking them out of their industry box completely… and mapping out a new model that is easier and more profitable, as well as makes them incomparable.
There are a few ways to work with me or be a part of my circles for the remainder of 2020, and I am sharing them below. Please note for each opportunity a brief application is required as well as an initial conversation with Jen on my team… to help us and you make sure we’re a good fit.
1. NEW: Business + Leadership Strategy Sessions
For the rest of the summer only, I’m doing a limited number of these via Zoom. It’s like a mini-VIP day session to help you identify your best strategic moves given your current category and next steps. The package includes two sessions as well as material review, and is offered at an accessible rate. You can learn more and inquire here. Please mention ‘BLSS’.
2. VIP Strategy Days
Clients from all over the world have flown in for these days to map out how to best scale their current model (without implosion), position themselves for higher-end fees and clients, plan their next level of growth, drive a creative ‘sharp right turn’, or birth a whole new brand that matches where they’re really feeling called right now, among other objectives. These days are typically conducted in person here in Scottsdale, AZ, and are very personal — the agenda will be set based on your needs. You can learn more and inquire here. Please mention ‘VIP Day’.
3. Premier Coaching + Advisory
I still quietly run one of the most exclusive coaching advisories in the industry for women leaders in the 7- and 8-figure ranges, which includes ongoing individual access to me as well as a bonus of an incredible and intimate group of global female entrepreneurs. Our live in-person group meetings are including virtual options for the time being, to make it easier for all who can’t or don’t wish to travel. I currently have only 2 spots open in this exclusive program. You can learn more and inquire here. Please mention ‘Premier’.
4. The Trust
The Trust is the new, private, premier global network for women entrepreneurs with businesses generating revenues of 7-8 figures annually. Our mission is to accelerate the power of the proven women entrepreneurs who are in positions to scale up and create impact. Our live in-person meetings are including virtual options for the time being, inviting new members to join us and participate without having to travel. We are gearing up for an exciting fall! To learn more and apply for an invite, visit
Should you feel called to one of these opportunities, I hope to hear from you.