I had to pull over the car for this one... - Glambition Radio

I had to pull over the car for this one…

While driving to the gym this morning, I caught up on some podcasts. One of them I enjoy is about homeschooling (which I do with my 9-year-old twins). 

The guest uttered a sentence that struck me so profoundly that I had to pull the car over to jot it down… 

‘God can do more with your surrender than he can with your planning.’


I love that. And it has circled my mind all morning now. 

This got me considering… could this also apply to us as entrepreneurs?

Years ago, while in the infancy of business ownership, I do remember living more in that zone of surrender, in more of a ‘flow’. I bet many of us did. 

So what happened? 

I’m going to surmise that in our earlier days, it was just easier to surrender, wasn’t it? When things were simple, there was less clutter and noise, and there wasn’t so much weight on our shoulders.  

Then, years later, we wake up one day and wonder where our flow has gone. Yes we’ve created a successful business — perhaps several of them by now — built on a bedrock of systems, tactics, processes, team, and plans

Everything is laid out well in advance in those plans, and every bit of our future success is riding on those plans. 

Or, is it? 

I’m going to be bold here and claim that if you don’t incorporate some form of surrender at this time in history, you’re going to have a really, really hard time.

Even more importantly, you’re likely missing out on a huge gift you may not have even known was coming. 

There are so many accomplished women I know right now who are being brought greater visions, new missions, and expanded impact for their businesses that they wouldn’t have seen unless they decided to ‘let go’ … and trust. 

In just a week or two, I’m opening  ICONIC: The Revolution for applications… but only for those on my Priority Notification List.

This pivotal conference for only 60-80 women entrepreneurs will be held here in Phoenix on Nov. 2+3, 2022

Even if you’re just curious, I suggest you ‘raise your hand’ here to learn more

Elevated conversation… with intelligent women… on groundbreaking missions. 

Aren’t you ready?

Damn right. 


PS — This is the PERFECT event to attend with a colleague, friend, or clients, so please forward this blog post to other accomplished women you know. Those who are looking for something more intelligent, and much different

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