Right now, everyone and their mother has a “free training” to offer you, but I want to grab your attention for a minute by sharing a free training that is simply AMAZING.
It was truly life changing FOR ME.
And it will be for YOU too.
It’s led by women’s transformation leader Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c., and when I anonymously dialed in just a few years ago to listen to what she had to say (before I even knew who Claire was), I was blown away.
Honestly I thought I’d stay on the line just a few minutes, but I was compelled to drop everything I was doing, breathe deeply, and immerse myself in what she was conveying.
This training helped me begin to UNLOCK what Claire calls our three centers of Feminine Power.
What’s “feminine power”?
Well, it’s much different than masculine power, which is the power to create things that can be controlled.
Feminine Power is the power to manifest that which is beyond our control, including those things that our hearts most yearn for—intimacy, relatedness, creative expression, authentic community, meaningful contribution and authentic success.
Did you take that in?
Doesn’t that sound like everything you’re being called to?
Claire can give you the tools you need to realize your higher potentials and your destiny, and I invite you to join her for this global online gathering so you can experience the power of this teaching for yourself.
And remember, it’s free to join in. It’s happening THIS WEDNESDAY November 4, 2015 at 8pm ET/5pm PT.
Go here now for info and to reserve your spot.
I’ll see you there!
Love and success,