…once I read Jennifer Lawrence’s new post, I realized she isn’t blaming the industry. She is blaming herself and taking responsibility in the future for asking for what she is worth in the market. She knows she needs to become a better businesswoman. And I respect that.
She had me at “I’m over trying to find the ‘adorable’ way to state my opinion and still be likable.”
Can’t we relate to that? We have an opinion to share, but feel like we have to be OH SO CAREFUL to say it the right way, use the right angle when sharing, etc. So we don’t cause trouble. So we aren’t seen as difficult. So everyone likes us.
Some quotes in here are gems. She’s become much wiser through her stratospheric rise over the last few years. And I think we’re going to hear a lot more of her “real” voice from now on. It’s causing quite a stir.
You can read about Jennifer Lawrence’s new essay here.