Meet me in London? - Glambition Radio

Meet me in London?

If you’re ready to get out of your industry box, immerse yourself with some incredible women making a true global impact, and enjoy a luxury retreat in one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, read on…

I’m excited to officially announce my first-ever hosted event in London.

Repower London, happening Sept. 27 & 28, will be bringing together just 24 amazing women who are craving…

  • Fresh strategies, insights, and connections for a NEW (not just their next) level of business
  • Their unique path to thought leadership and growth
  • Valuable new colleagues and connections who are at an elite level of business

This Repower will have a different flavor than my previous events of the same name, with more of a global summit perspective.

I’m also bringing in TWO special guest speakers:

One consults for top leaders within the entrepreneurship and government sectors, and even for royalty including Queen Rania of Jordan.

The other has built a company that’s taken her technology and content platform into over 60 countries in 23 languages in emerging markets around the world, and she hangs with pioneers like Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg.

Details are on the web page.

Toto, we aren’t in Kansas anymore.

Won’t you join us?

The event is designed for women with strong leadership platforms and preferably have revenues in the 7-figure range. If you are feeling called to join us, I encourage you to apply.

Take a look here to learn more and put in your application.

What a powerful group we are going to have!

And a unique experience.

Won’t you join us?

I think you’re ready for something different.

Love and success,

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