"Operation Wardrobe Update" - Glambition Radio

"Operation Wardrobe Update"

Imagine this: It’s a cold, rainy day, your kids are sick and you’re pretty sure you’re catching whatever they have. You slip into a pair of sweats, hoping to make a quick, incognito trip to the pharmacy. Somewhere in the toiletries aisle, you run into a client, an ex, (or… insert any inconvenient person you could run into in your sweats), and you’re nothing less than mortified.
Are you a little too familiar with this scenario? If so, it might be time for a closet cleanout. There’s a universal law that says, “If you go out looking tacky, you’ll always get caught.” This is doubly important if you’re self employed or responsible for accruing business.
But, looking well groomed doesn’t mean you have to wear your best suit and high heels at all times and that you can never relax. All it means is that you should look as if you do care about your appearance. Are you dressed well enough to be fearless and fabulous, or are you going to want the ground to swallow you up if you see someone you know?
So, if you’re ready to commit to a more “put together” you in 2011, grab this list and head to your closet. And when in doubt, ask yourself this simple question: “Would I want to be seen in this?”
1. Cartoon, over-sized or souvenir t-shirts
2. Ripped, acid washed or tapered dowdy mom-jeans
3. Flesh colored, white, or reinforced-toes hose
4. Faded or torn items
5. Holiday sweaters with appliqué shapes or animals
6. Backpacks
7. Sweat pants
8. Any fat pants/2 sizes too big (unless you are preggers, then keep as needed)
9. White socks and loafers
10. Flannel shirts
1. Well tailored plain T-shirts, polo shirts, polished graphic Ts
2. Well-cut lean leg jeans, boot cut or skinny, that can be worn with heels
3. Sheer hose or spray tan for legs
4. Quality fabrics
5. Jackets & blazers a tailor can revamp
6. Quality tote bag
7. Yoga pants
8. Tailored pants
9. Fashionable pumps
10. Mixed pattern blouses
© 2010 Ali International, LLC
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