Are you feeling it’s time for you to make a serious decision regarding your success? Have you reached a point you know you’ve just got to commit to do what it takes? Perhaps as I experienced early in my career, you have your back against the wall and know it’s now time to sink or swim! Time to break through the six-figure mark and well into the multiple six-figures and beyond. Treat your business like a business and not a hobby.
If that sounds like you, you may be ready to be considered for our Platinum tier of the Millionaire Protege Club. And I’d like to tell you all about it on a special teleseminar happening next week.
Please join me on this complimentary call on Wednesday, June 16 at 8pm Eastern. You can register here now.
On this call, I’ll be walking you live through the Platinum program – exactly what it delivers, what it entails, and what our membership requirements are. I’ll also be answering your QUESTIONS on the call about the program. (That’s right, you can ask me live on the spot.)
Joining me on the call will be Head Platinum Coach James Roche. James is a master marketer, known for his ability to ‘coach the products and programs out of you’ quickly and easily. James has been doing a superb job as head coach, and you’ll hear that we make quite a dynamic duo!
Since James and I will be answering your questions live on this one-time call, we are limited to the number of callers who can join us. So don’t delay registering – even if you’re just curious about the specifics of what Platinum offers. Find out more and sign up for the call here before it fills up!
If this message resonated with you, get excited. It means you’re ready for the next level in your life. : )
Love and success,

P.S. Remember this is a one-time-only call so please try to make it. Register here and start writing down your questions for us! And consider inviting friends, colleagues, or clients who you feel may be interested in going Platinum as well.