ali brown's glambition radio Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 3 Posts categorized under ali brown’s glambition radio

Kylie Hammond, Founder & CEO of Director Institute on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Have you ever thought about grooming yourself to sit on the board of a company? Or assemble a board for your own enterprise? Maybe you haven’t… yet. But Australian entrepreneur Kylie Hammond wants YOU, because she’s giving the world of boards a global makeover. The image of stodgy old white men sitting stiffly in a smoky conference room is not only outdated, it’s ineffective, and Kylie is leading the charge to bring women, millennials, and modern technology into the picture.
On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Kylie shares why she’s made it her mission to break barriers in the boardroom as the CEO of the fastest growing network of director talent, Director Institute: Next Generation Directors.

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Jessica Bennett on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Jessica Bennett, author of “Feminist Fight Club” on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

If you’re tired of “mansplainers”, “man-terrupters”, and “bro-propriation”, have I got a gal for you. Jessica Bennet and her “Feminist Fight Club” movement is a humorous but powerful take on sexism in the workplace and what women can do about it.

(And what a perfect way to start off our 2017 year of Glambition Radio, given the current political climate.)

While we often think of feminism as the angry 60s and 70s equality movements, today’s feminism has evolved to a new level to match the sexism we still experience at times – a bit more subtle and harder to navigate.

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Wendy Powell on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Wendy Powell of the MuTu System on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

After you give birth, the wondrous time spent getting to know the joys of baby is accompanied with getting to know your body again. It’s forever changed, inside and out. And while we are often told to just “bootcamp” our bodies back to normal again, there remains a disconnect that hasn’t been addressed fully and in a proven method—until Wendy Powell came along and created her MuTu System.

On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, you’ll hear Wendy’s story of why and how she came to care so much about postpartum health and emotional wellbeing.

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