If you’re tired of “mansplainers”, “man-terrupters”, and “bro-propriation”, have I got a gal for you. Jessica Bennet and her “Feminist Fight Club” movement is a humorous but powerful take on sexism in the workplace and what women can do about it.
(And what a perfect way to start off our 2017 year of Glambition Radio, given the current political climate.)
While we often think of feminism as the angry 60s and 70s equality movements, today’s feminism has evolved to a new level to match the sexism we still experience at times – a bit more subtle and harder to navigate. Enter Jessica, who today writes regularly for The New York Times.
On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Jessica and I discuss the specific damage of subtle sexism, why complaining gets us nowhere, and action steps and quick moves from her new book, “Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace”.
My favorite strategy? The verbal chicken. Hear Jessica explain how to implement it here in our Glambition Radio interview.
So how did the club begin? It was only ten years ago when Jessica moved to Manhattan and got her first job writing for Newsweek. She was frustrated to see men at the magazine getting better assignments and promotions, while the women on staff were struggling just to be heard and treated as equal. Something had to change. So, once a month Jessica would get together with other young women from businesses all over the city to share sexist job stories and form strategies to battle their common foes. And the “Feminist Fight Club” was born.
Jessica also writes for Sheryl Sandberg’s nonprofit site LeanIn.org, and along with Sheryl she’s cofounded and curated the “Lean In” collection of stock imagery – finally giving us powerful, real, and diverse images to use of women in marketing and business communications. (No more women in black suits balancing suitcases and babies.)
I know you’ll get a lot out of this episode. So head over to iTunes and listen to this episode of Glambition Radio now (or download for later).
Love and Success,

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