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Manage time and energy to make more money…

“I’m exhausted, but I don’t know what I did today…”

“It’s 5pm and I still have hours of work to do…”

“I haven’t taken care of myself in months…”

“I’m not getting the important things done…”

Does this sound familiar?

Managing your TIME right leads to you making more MONEY.

So I’ve decided to share some of my best time and productivity tips on a special FREE CALL happening next Monday, October 6.

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Time is money, and more…

Just a few years ago I taught a powerful course called “Millionaire Time and Productivity Secrets”. And it became one of my bestselling courses ever!

I guess it’s not surprising though, because many of you had already smartly figured out that managing your TIME right leads to you making more MONEY.

Well, now that I’ve had my twins last year, I’ve learned even MORE strategies, tips, and little life hacks to get the RIGHT things done in less time. I love my business, but I want more time off, more time with my family, and not to work just for work’s sake.

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Amanda Steinberg, Founder of Daily Worth, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Take a quick guess…what is the LEADING financial media company for women? It’s Daily Worth, founded by my friend the incredible Amanda Steinberg. And she’s all OURS on this week’s episode of Glambition Radio!

Raised by a single mom who encouraged her never to depend on anyone else for her financial stability, Amanda says she became an entrepreneur at the ripe age of 5. Fast forward to her 20s, and she was earning a huge salary as a computer programmer and living the high life – the house, clothes and cars – but with no money saved (Sound familiar?).

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Overtired and overwhelmed? Read this…

After I had my twins last year, my time and energy were spread more thinly than ever. There were a few days this past year that I hit rock bottom, wondering if I could ever get my productivity mojo back!

Well, as those of you who are moms know, there is a “new normal” you move into. It won’t ever be exactly the same. But you know you just HAVE to keep working with purpose too.

My “New Feminine Formula” was the answer, and I know it can help you too.

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Exhausted? Read this…

In our quest for “success”, exhaustion has nearly become a status symbol. And it has to stop. Because it’s literally killing us—our bodies and our joy.

With today’s lifestyles, and especially for those of us who have a business or focused career, and add on a family to that… women are feeling depleted and discouraged.

Sure, you have those good days, and the momentary highs of “yes, I can do all this!”, but then you can feel like you’re spiraling downward. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to stay on top of everything and also keep moving toward our goals.

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“My #1 Secret to Productivity: Batching” by Ali Brown

One of the most exciting parts of starting and growing a business for most of us is the freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur. No one else dictating our schedule, how we work, or even what we’re working on. I remember those first days after I walked out of my last real job in NYC, practically singing “Born Free”!

But then the following week, I was humming a different tune… something like “Freak Out”… I realized I had jumped from a predictable pool into a vast ocean of freedom, and I had no idea how to structure my time.

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“Is Your Time Worth What You Think It Is?” by Ali Brown

Time is the most important asset you have—and unlike money, once you’ve spent it, you can’t earn any more. That’s why it’s so important to make the most of your 24 hours, especially as a business owner.

So, how can you become more productive and profitable, without working insane hours and sacrificing your personal life? Read on for a few steps on how to start managing your time like a successful entrepreneur…

STEP 1: Discover how much your time is worth

The first step to maximizing your time is to understand what yours is really worth.

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“Why You Should Not Wait for a Clear Vision Before You Move Forward” by Ali Brown

Whenever I’m speaking to entrepreneurs—whether it’s around the country or around the world—I’m always asked to share my now famous “ATM Story”. It’s one I kept close to the vest for years, because I was too embarrassed to reveal it. But today, I know it’s important to share. And why.

You see, we always look at successful people and think their rise to the top must have happened overnight. They must have had the big vision, the perfect plan, and lined-up circumstances. But that is NEVER the truth!

I quit my last job in 1999 and launched my first little venture offering business-writing services in New York City.

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How I made babies…

OK I’m sure you know “how” my twins happened. (If not, go ask anyone and they can likely explain to you.)

But what you may not realize is how long I waited for the right relationship in my life. I didn’t meet Brett until I was nearly 42.

And apparently these little souls couldn’t wait to get down here to grow and play with us. They appeared on our radar within a few months after our meeting, and were born last May as big, healthy, full-term twins. (I can’t believe Jordie and Maddie will be one year old soon!)

People are saying to me, “It’s amazing how much you’ve shifted because of the babies.

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“Something is VERY wrong…”

“Something is VERY wrong…”

That’s the thought I had in early 2010, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I’d built a wildly successful business, I was making great money, I was living in a big house at the beach, I’d won several national awards, and I was reaching most all my goals.

I was building, building, building with all this masculine energy.

“Bigger, faster, now, more, world domination” kind of stuff.

My choice. It’s what I thought I wanted. And needed. 

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