free online business training Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 13 Posts categorized under free online business training

"8 Secrets to Being a Successful Speaker" by Ali Brown

As a business owner, you’ll be surprised how much your world will expand when you begin to connect with a live audience. Your confidence will attract new clients, new resources, mentors, and the media. So, if you’re ready to master this powerful business development tool, here are my top 9 basic tips for success on the stage:
1. Research — Do your research before you even attempt to write your speech. Who is your audience? What are your “take aways” — the most important things you want them to walk away having learned from you?

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“5 Tweet Formulas to Engage Your Clients and Customers” by Ali Brown

Every day, Twitter is abuzz with clever comments from the likes of everyone from Rihanna to Martha Stewart to Seth Godin. It’s an equal playing field where people are free to share and discuss any topic under the sun. And, with 140 million users, it’s a great way for entrepreneurs to get known and connect with potential customers.

But, many business owners fall into the trap of using Twitter as a soapbox, rather than a tool for conversation. Below are five Tweet formulas to try that will engage your clients and customers.

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“Criticism: Like It Or Not, Here’s How to Respond” by Ali Brown

How well do you bounce back from criticism? Do you let it roll off your back and keep moving, or does it stop you in your tracks as you obsess about what it could mean about you, your path, and every other decision you’ve made in your life?

When you step up in your business and life, criticism happens no matter what you do. So the bottom line is you have to learn how to handle it. Below, a few tips on how to bounce back.

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Meet my winners of my ‘Entrepreneur to Watch’ Contest!

Well, the votes are in! After a long deliberation with my team this morning, I’m ready to announce the winners of my “Entrepreneur to Watch” Facebook contest!

This was one of the hardest contests I’ve ever judged, so if you submitted your vote to help me in my decision, Thank You! Each finalist had such unique stories, so my team and I took those and other factors into consideration, including the number of votes to make a decision we felt comfortable with.

Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for…

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“9 Clear Strategies to Making Better Decisions” by Ali Brown

How do you usually make a decision? Do you act impulsively, or overcomplicate?  Knowing our personal quirks and decision drivers can help control irrationality and impulsiveness, which can then lead to better decisions in tough situations.

Let’s take a look at nine strategies for making better decisions in crucial moments.

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"Elevate Member Spotlight: Jeannie Spiro from Portsmouth, R.I."

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes.
That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our members during our member Access Calls.
Elevate Coaches James Roche and Joy Chudacoff, and I select and interview one Elevate member who is making great strides with the program.
Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress.
Today, you’ll meet Elevate Advanced member Jeannie Spiro, founder of She was our spotlight during our June 2013 call.

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TODAY is the last day to enter my "Entrepreneur to Watch"contest…

Have you had a chance to enter my Annual “Entrepreneurs to Watch” Contest? The entries keep coming in, and I’m thrilled to see so many of you ready to win in 2013!
This is a final courtesy reminder that TODAY is the last day you can submit your business to win the title of THE “Entrepreneur to Watch of 2013“. To get all the details on how to enter the contest, visit my Elevate Public Facebook Page.

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Enter my annual “Entrepreneur to Watch” contest powered by Elevate!

It’s here! Once again, I’m raising the bar for women like YOU, who “play to win” in their businesses and lives every day—and it could mean HUGE exposure for you and your business…

Introducing my annual “Entrepreneur to Watch” Contest powered by Elevate!

Starting TODAY, you can submit your business to win the title of THE “Entrepreneur to Watch of 2013”. To get all the details on how to enter the contest, visit the Elevate Public Facebook page.

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Don't miss my "Solid Steps to Success" webinar…

This is a courtesy reminder about my free “Solid Steps to Success” webinar happening TODAY at 8pm ET. If you missed my post last week, here are the details…
If I could make you instantly feel relieved and energized about your business right now, would you let me? And can I do that for FREE? Yes?
Great! Years ago, when you wanted to start a business, things were pretty simple…

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Why it's NOT simple to start a business right now…

If I could make you instantly feel relieved and energized about your business right now, would you let me? And can I do that for FREE? Yes?
Great! Years ago, when you wanted to start a business, things were pretty simple…
Your operations consisted of a storefront or office and a cash register. Your advertising plan was a good sign, a yellow-page ad, and perhaps posting flyers around town. These things cost money, but your plan wasn’t complicated.

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