free teleclass Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under free teleclass

Did you miss it? Replay available now

Did you catch the teleclass my good friend (and long-term client) Kendall SummerHawk and I hosted yesterday?

If you missed the call, I definitely recommend getting the replay while it is still available. This will be your only email reminder!

We walked through in detail how you can avoid the complex headaches of online launches with the simplicity of a VIP offering to your clients – mainly a “VIP Day”, which is simply a 1-day intensive. It’s perfect for all coaching and consulting businesses, but also for many professional service businesses.

Click here to access the REPLAY now

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Are you highly sensitive?

Are you a person who is very spiritual by nature, but you feel like you have to keep that part of you separate from your business success?

Well that’s most likely because you are what my client, Heather Dominick refers to as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur.

Not sure what that is? Watch Heather’s video to find out… and learn how you can use your HSE talents to support your business success.

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Tomorrow: Go big? Or go home? (I chose home…)

As I was growing my business, I heard from more than one mentor things like “Go BIG or go home.” Hmmm.

It kind of made me feel like my life wouldn’t even matter unless I did what seemed like BIG things. So I pushed and I pushed.

And, I went BIG. I did some great things. But I got so caught up in the BIGNESS, that eventually I realized this wasn’t the dream I originally had.

I was exhausted. So then, I decided to “go home”. By home what I mean is my Truth.

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How I made babies…

OK I’m sure you know “how” my twins happened. (If not, go ask anyone and they can likely explain to you.)

But what you may not realize is how long I waited for the right relationship in my life. I didn’t meet Brett until I was nearly 42.

And apparently these little souls couldn’t wait to get down here to grow and play with us. They appeared on our radar within a few months after our meeting, and were born last May as big, healthy, full-term twins. (I can’t believe Jordie and Maddie will be one year old soon!)

People are saying to me, “It’s amazing how much you’ve shifted because of the babies.

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