free training Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 6 Posts categorized under free training

One more great speaking and selling resource for you…

G’day from Sydney! We are still here one more week before we stop over in Hawaii on the way home.

It was great to hear from all of you who let me know you appreciated that last resource I shared with you from my friend and past client Lisa Sasevich.

I also wanted to make sure you got your hands on her new short, free training titled “Exactly How To Build A Talk That Sells” that reveals the tips and tricks to make a presentation that will really speak to your audience and lead to incredible growth.

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Join the 300,000 who already know…

I’m writing today with a special invitation for you to participate in a hugely popular and powerful free LIVE training event that I stand behind 1000%.

(I know because I’ve participated myself!)

My good friend, women’s transformation leader Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c., will be hosting a LIVE training to help you UNLOCK what she calls your three power centers of Feminine Power.
Register here at no charge.

According to Claire, and based on her work with thousands of women across the globe, feminine power is different than masculine power, which is the power to create things that can be controlled.

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Manage your "business miracles"… free webinar!

If you’re spiritual by nature and know in your heart that you are meant to contribute to the world in a significant way, then you’re going to love this.
I’m writing to tell you about a free webinar that’s being hosted by a dynamic client of mine whom I mentor personally.
Heather Dominick has tapped into something very significant for specific entrepreneurs. She has found that many coaches, healing practitioners, and creatives are what she calls, highly sensitive entrepreneurs™.

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Boost Sales with Irresistible Offers–Free Training!

When it comes to understanding how to share your expertise without coming across as ‘salesy’ or ‘hypey’, my friend and former client Lisa Sasevich is one of the best in the business.

That’s why top marketers go to Lisa when it comes to the best way to make “Irresistible Offers”.

She just released a free content-rich training series that I think you’re going to find very valuable.

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Catch my last live online event of 2013…

I’m hosting my final live event of the year—and it’s happening in just FIVE days. If you’re a small business owner, you won’t want to miss it!

It’s my “Marketing Mastery Workshop”—a one-time web event for small business owners, happening Tuesday, October 8 at 2pm ET sharp. (It’s absolutely free to attend, and you can watch along with us from anywhere on your computer!)

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