Free Workshop for Business Owners Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under Free Workshop for Business Owners

Why it's NOT simple to start a business right now…

If I could make you instantly feel relieved and energized about your business right now, would you let me? And can I do that for FREE? Yes?
Great! Years ago, when you wanted to start a business, things were pretty simple…
Your operations consisted of a storefront or office and a cash register. Your advertising plan was a good sign, a yellow-page ad, and perhaps posting flyers around town. These things cost money, but your plan wasn’t complicated.

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One simple action every entrepreneur should take…

In my years as an entrepreneur mentor, I’ve noticed that successful entrepreneurs do ONE thing consistently—and this simple action sets them apart from those who struggle…

They schedule time to focus ON their business—instead of drowning in day-to-day tasks.

Imagine having a focused system for getting new clients—a simple action plan for your immediate success. This is why thousands have signed up for my FREE 4-hour online “Profit Map Workshop”, happening Wednesday, May 15.  Please join us!

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My first ever online "Profit Map Workshop"…

With just a few weekends left before summer officially begins, I wanted to make sure you knew about my brand new event coming up…
It’s my first ever, FREE online “Profit Map Workshop”, and it’s happening Wednesday, May 15!
I timed this workshop so you can get clear and focused before the summer even begins, and use the next few months to ramp things up for you and your family. Get ready for a unique mix of live training, in-depth exercises, and Q&A that you can implement immediately in your business!

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What breaks my heart…

If you’re like most entrepreneurs I meet, you had a dream to start your own business to honor who you are and what you want to create in this life (including a great income!). You’ve got the inspiration, and you’re putting in the perspirationbut where is it all going?

You see, if you’re just trying to get clients and customers here and there, and feel like you don’t have a focused system for making this happen, you could be in big trouble. Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing a woman give up on her entrepreneurial dream, simply because the money isn’t coming in.

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